"Hey, guys," Montero says easily. "Aren't you meant to be on school protection, man?" he adds to Dream, though he doesn't look all that upset.

"It's a long story," George intrudes before Dream can start flirting, and he catches a smirk on Dream's face before he turns back to Montero.

"Did Techno give you that knife?" he asks, gesturing to the glittery sheaf at his hip.

"He let me use it. I don't have any other weapon so..." He shrugs. "He said I can keep it."

George arches an eyebrow. "Do you know how to use it?"

Montero blushes. "Not really. I haven't had the chance to fight anything yet, so I only know the basics."

"Lucky you, I know how to use knives," Dream starts and George actually does shove him this time.

"I do too, idiot," he says. "And I'm the teacher. Give me one of yours."

"Why would I ever - "

George doesn't give him a chance to finish. He places a hand, half-tucked in his hoodie sleeve, on Dream's chest and Dream freezes, breath hitching.

"Dream," George says, reaching for a knife with his other hand while Dream is distracted. His hand brushes Dream's waist before he pulls out the knife, victorious.

Dream looks stupefied and George bursts into laughter. "I win this time, Dream."

And with Dream's gaze still burning into him, he whips the knife toward the target on the other end of the room.

Montero's eyes go wide and Dream seems to stop breathing as the knife hits the target's red middle. It wobbles for a moment before going still, wedged in hilt-deep.

"What the fuck!" Sapnap's voice drifts across the room, loud and accusing. "Since when could you do that, George?"

George just shrugs, hiding his grin. "Professional sharpshooter means I'm good at every weapon."

"No it doesn't," Dream says, snapping out of his daze to counter him. "What the hell, George? Have you been training in secret or something?"

"I'm just good," George says. He turns back to Montero like nothing just happened. "I can teach you how to use knives or a crossbow. You choose."

"Knives," Montero says, still looking astonished. George hides a smirk, ignoring the pride flaring through him at all of their reactions. He's better at fighting than they realize, but it's Bad and Techno who taught him to use knives, in between all the meetings and zombies.

George nods, shrugging off his crossbow. "Dream, you're gonna be my practice dummy."

Dream scoffs. "Why?"

But he goes silent when George sidles closer, eyes raised to meet Dream's. "Because I said so," George says quietly and Dream exhales, his green guys simmering with a new intensity.

He starts with the basics. Stabbing and slashing. Dream obediantly takes the role of his target, standing still and silent as George mimes slashing at him. He never lets the blade touch, but even it can't seem to cut through the tension thick in the air. Everytime he meets Dream's gaze - dark and burning - something stirs in his stomach and he resists the urge to show how flustered he is, or he knows Dream will tease him for it.

"Okay, for a slash to the neck," George explains, inching closer to Dream. He refuses to meet Dream's gaze as he brings the blade close to his neck, his head at Dream's shoulder. Dream's breath is warm against his ear as he leans in to whisper, "That was hot, George."

George's heart is beating at a thousand miles an hour and he almost forgets Montero is there watching him. His hand trembles a little and he pulls away before he can accidentally hurt Dream, trying and failing to glare at him.

Dream just smirks, like he isn't responsible for the heat branding through George. "Well done, George. Nice demonstration."

George mutters a curse under his breath and Dream's eyes widen mockingly at the insult. But George just turns to Montero. "Got it?"

"I think so," Montero confirms, doing his best not to look between the two of them.

"Good." George turns to Dream again. His stomach pools with dread - and a weird feeling of anticipation. "This is the last one."

Dream looks calm, rolling his neck once and squaring his shoulders. Muscles that George didn't know he had ripple. It doesn't help the tension already running through George, the staccato beat of his heart as he pretends to be relaxed. He grips the knife tighter and everything but Dream's green eyes fades into the background.

He lunges forward, aiming the knife at Dream's heart. But his heart drops as Dream pivots out of the way, wrapping strong arms around George's neck and torso, pulling him flush against his chest.

George's breath goes shallow, his skin hot. The knife is still in his hand, but he can barely think of it when his back is tight against Dream, his head by Dream's lips.

Dream's arms are loose enough not to hurt George, but tight enough that he can't escape even as he wriggles.

"How do you get out of this one, George?" Dream says aloud. "Go on, tell us."

George can't think, can't move without realizing each time that another part of him is pressed against Dream. When a certain part of Dream pushes against his back, he holds back a gasp, remembering that Montero is still watching them.

"George," Dream whispers, breath hot against his ear. "Are you stuck?"

George glares ahead, ignoring the way Dream's fingers trace his neck and wrap around his waist. "You get out like this, idiot," he says. And he jams the hilt of his knife behind him. He knows it's connected with something important when Dream grunts and retracts his arms.

Montero stifles a laugh as George emerges victorious. He has to hide his own grin as he turns to face Dream, who's still doubled over in pain.

"You fucking..."

"What, Dream?" George promts when Dream falls silent. "Am I just too good for you?"

"I hate you," Dream mutters, straightening. But his eyes are glowing and there's something George can't place in his voice.

George nods, satisfied, turning back to Montero. "That's all your training for today. Maybe next time we can try a crossbow."

"Thanks, man," Montero says, with a nod. "I'll get Techno to help me practice. Next time, I'll show you if I've improved."

George nods and watches as Montero heads off to join Techno and Quackity across the room. The relief that blooms in him at the singer leaving quickly disappears when he realizes he's alone with Dream.

Dream, who he's just injured. Dream, who's smirking at him like he's about to get his revenge.

(1665 words)


Kind of a more lighthearted chapter, because so much has been happening with the others and also because dnf. Comments and constructive criticism are always appreciated and thank you so much for all the support on this story! <3

The Apocalypse [Dreamnotfound AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon