| What have i told you? ✭

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// sorry i've been gone for so long! A lot has happened, here's a list:
• in lockdown again
• My birthday is in four days!
• Getting vaccinated!!
• I quit what was making me so anxious
• now i'm happy again!


"Roman.. what have i told you about eating three cookies before you go to bed?" Patton scolded the prince, with a dad look of disappointment, arms folded and everything. Roman chuckled nervously, "Sorry, padre.."

"Roman.. seriously? What have i told you about sneaking in here?" Virgil tutted, rolling his eyes at the male who was stealing Disney posters. "I just want some more decor!" Roman exclaims, shrugging.

"Roman.. gosh.. what have i told you about taking my books without permission!" Janus exclaimed as Roman ran out of the snake's room, a giggling mess.

Roman didn't listen to anyone, you could call him a brat or a spoilt prince but.. it was only because he listened to his lover. Logan. Whatever HE wanted he would immediately do so. Roman could ask for cookies, and with a simple no from Logan he would stop complaining. Logan says no to checking his weight on the scales, he doesn't do it. You know why he always say yes to though? Coffee, books, cuddles, kisses, sex, love, hanging out, snuggles, bedtime, morning, forehead kisses, being a big spoon, being a little spoon a lot of damn things. He had no to roman for the things he knew upset him.

Roman groaned as he stared at his book of the new script, head aching. Logan walked in and his eye brows furrowed at this, gently going over to wrap his arms around his lover sweetly, kissing his neck. "Hey, baby.. you look tired." He cooed, kissing his temple. Roman leaned into it, but didn't take his eyes away. "Mm.." he sighs softly, "i'm okay.."

Logan didn't look convinced, gently picking him up with a smile. He sits down on the bed with Roman in his lap, chuckling at the prince's annoyed expression. "What? You're tired, you cute little thing." Logan removed his glasses to kiss the crook of his neck playfully.

Roman erupted in sweet giggles, "Logan... Darling... stop it!" he smiled softly, trying to push him away. "No moreeee!" he laughed.

Logan grinned at his laughter, "Now, you will stop working and come cuddle with me. Won't you baby?"

Roman whined, rolling his eyes with a smile. He looked at Logan's stern expression. "Roman..." Roman giggled at his strict word. "Mm, fine. But only for a bit.."

Logan chuckled and set Roman into the bed, getting up to turn off the light and close the door before returning and snuggling into the bed. He held Roman tightly, the male holding him back in return. "mm.. i love you, my love." Roman smiled at this. "i love you too, Lo."

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