| sleepy ✭

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a/n: so sorry on the late chapters, i've been busy and stressed. I hope you all understand. I've also been lacking motivation.


Roman whined softly as he awoke from his slumber, the blinding lights through their blinds reflecting straight into his partly opened eyes. His smile faded, looking up at the male above him. God he was so warm right now.

Logan's breath, gentle against his forehead. His strong arms pulling him against him closer, his lips parted slightly. His eyes fluttered closed. Roman grinned, kissing his lips softly. "sleepyhead," he giggled quietly, smiling at him adoringly as his eyebrows furrowed. Roman smiled, burying himself into his chest more, fiddling with his pj's. Roman sighed happily, eyes fluttering closed again.

It didn't take long before the romantic side fell asleep, curled up again. The two of them sharing warmth and lovingly cuddle.

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