Chapter 36

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Chapter 36- Letter For Fate

"(Y/N), this is obviously a trap! You can't really believe what's on paper, right?!" Suki asked you as you searched around Iroh's tent for some paper and a brush

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"(Y/N), this is obviously a trap! You can't really believe what's on paper, right?!" Suki asked you as you searched around Iroh's tent for some paper and a brush.
"I don't care Suki, I'm going and I'm going alone," You sternly said and grabbed a brush.

"(Y/N), stop! You're not doing this alone!" Katara told you.
"Yeah Loud Mouth! Don't be like me and refuse help, this is suicide!" Toph huffed.
"At least being your mom with you!" Sokka walked forward.

"Yes! Please honey, I know this man has caused so much pain to me, but like you said, we need to face our problems of the past!" Your mother tried to convince you.
"Mom, you need to go with Sokka, Suki, and Toph. I'm going alone on this to find (S/N) and stop (B/N) once and for all!" You turned to face the Gaang.

In all honesty, you were scared, hopeful, and angry. Scared that your brother will be powerful at Sozin's Comet, hopeful that your sister might be alive, and angry at yourself that you forgot that he was still running around killing people.

"No, he caused all of this pain of mine, and even if you drag me with you, I'm going to fight him, even if I die at the end-!" You said, but then you got cut off by Sokka, who finally snapped at you.

"(Y/N), enough!! We lost you once to Azula, I lost you two times! We can't lose you again to him!!" Sokka shouted at you, feeling worried and angry.
"What will happen if you get ambushed and hurt! Or worse! We won't be there to protect you, or heal you! Please!" He grabbed your hands and brought it up to his chest.

He stared into your eyes, tears welling up slightly.
"Please (Y/N)... don't go," He whispered. You just looked down at the floor, taking a deep breath before taking your hands away.
"I know this might be a trap Boomerang," You told him.

"Even if she's really dead... even if he is lying just to lure me into a trap, I can't just let that man go and kill any more people, especially on Sozin's Comet," You told them, turning to face the group as you wiped tears away.

"I allowed my family to be the victim of his abuse, I am not going to let other people be victims too. He needs to go down and never be heard of again," You said with a determined look on your face.

Zuko stomped over to you, giving you an angry look, and you didn't look away from him.
"(Y/N)," He started, standing tall before you, before pulling you into a hug and burying his head against your neck.
"Please... be safe," He muttered, breathing shakily as you hugged him too. You felt other people getting in the hug, until the whole Gaang hugged you.

"I promise," You kissed his lips, and turn to kiss Suki's, the Toph's, then Katara's, then Sokka's.
"Nothing is going to get rid of me, remember?" You gave them a toothy grin.
"Now go and grey ready for your own fights, I need to do something important," You told them, and they hesitantly walked out the tent.

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