Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- Not So Happy Family Reunion.

Chapter 7- Not So Happy Family Reunion

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"(B-B/N)? H-how... why are y-you-" You gulped in fear as you scooted away from the one you once called your brother.
"Now now, didn't we say stammering is rude?" He smirked as he walked closer to you. Twig screeched and bit (B/N) on the leg, trying to get him away from you, but your brother just tsked in disgust.

"Stupid rat!" He kicked Twig away, causing him to fall over the scaffold.
"TWIG!!" You yelled in fear that your buddy was falling. You tried to catch him, but (B/N) was quick to block you with a fireball.
"Stop playing (Y/N)! I made a deal with Azula that if I could get you to marry her, I get to continue with my body counts!" He scowled and tried to punch you with a fire fist, but you rolled away and got into your feet.

"Should've known you went down to that path, not surprised at all," You said with confidence, but you were shaking inside. (B/N) burst out laughing and wiped a fake tear away.
"You crack me up! I just wanted to be like my sister!" He threw a fire ball at you and you blocked it with a rock wall.

He charged and sends a fire wave, and as you got distracted by it, he sends a punch into your stomach. You hissed in pain, staggering down, but you quickly straightened up to continue fighting.
"If there's one thing I held onto during my exile, is that you never keep your promises! What's the real reason you agreed to come with Azula?!" You shouted, making a big rock glove to block his punch.

"Glad to see you didn't become dumb during your exile. Of course I didn't just come for body counts and because Lala told me to," He smirked and leaned against the scaffolding for a second.
"I came to finish what I started years ago, I should've killed you when I had the chance!" (B/N) did a Fire leg sweep, and you jumped over it and grabbed onto the scaffolding, climbing up to get away from him.

"After all, I remember a timid and scared little girl," He smirked and followed after you, with Mai and Ty Lee fighting Katara and Sokka. Your eyes widen at his words, not wanting him to continue.
'He's not serious! Bringing... that up now!!' Your thoughts shouted, and you kept on climbing.

"Crying her eyes out as our poor and dearest father," He threw a fireball toward you, making you jump to side. Tears pricked out of your eyes.
"Please... no!" You cried, not wanting to remember.
"Was gone right in front of her," He grinned at you freezing up, and he climbed higher.

"S-stop it!! I-it was an a-accident!!" You stammered with fear and guilt.
"Saying it's an accident can't bring our father back!!" He darkly growled and grabbed to your leg, heating it up immensely, making you hiss and try to kick him away.

"The only accident was you! And you trying to prove that you're better because of your new discovery!!" He gripped on tighter and threw you off the scaffolding, causing you to fall above him and felt his hand grab the collar of your shirt.

"Well guess what?! Your discovery is the reason father is gone! It's the reason why you got banished!! It's the reason why Zhao wanted you!!" You closed your eyes tight from his words, feeling small and weak after everything. Little did you know, that the ground hundreds of feet below you, was rumbling and glowing bright from heat.

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