Character Profile

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Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 13

Birthday: November 12

Height: 5'5

Hair color: (H/C)

Eye color: (E/C)

Likes: Twig your Tiger Monkey, Toph, Appa, messing with Zuko, Iroh, being an absolute gremlin

Dislikes: Maniacs, people, sand, Being alone, Zhao, your family.

Brother (alive)
Mother (alive)
Father (dead)
Sister (alive)

About you:

- Oh boy, where do I begin?

- You're the embodiment of chaotic good.

- You can hide in any corner or shadow, and it becomes a little scary.

-But you're also a dumbass.

-You can be cocky, but you can't interact with pretty people for the life of you. When someone flirts with you, you go offline.

- You love to make a mess and are able to bend.

-Bend what you say?

-Fire? Air? Water? Earth?

-You'll find out soon!

-But enough of that, let's get onto the rest.

- You lived in a hidden village where you lived with your family, but it wasn't that far from Ba Sing Se.

-You originally lived in the Fire Kingdom, but ever since your father died, your family decided to move near an Earth village.

- Your life was normal, had siblings, with many friends and family was wealthy.

- But then you were convicted of committing a crime and you were exiled from your village, like that ever mattered to you.

- I mean, come on! You were 8 when you were exiled! And what did your family do?

- Nothing!!

- They did nothing but watch as you were accused and sent away.

- Now you went out on your own, barley surviving everyday until you were able to fully manage to hunt and steal.

- You ran into some FireBenders and took them out in an instant.

- Maybe you shouldn't have done that.

- The rumors from your crime grew, and now people think you're some kind of crazy vigilante that will destroy everything in your path.

- Which wasn't that far off.

- Your criminal name was The Delusional Bender.

- Now the Fire Nation thinks you're a threat and is on the hunt for you.

- During your run away, you met Twig, your Tiger Monkey at a fire village.

- And you've been inseparable ever since.

- Now you managed to be part of the journey of the Avatar.

- Let's see what will happen next?

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