Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Failed The Mission

Sending a wave of lava towards the Dai Li agent, you dodged a rock pillar that was in front of you

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Sending a wave of lava towards the Dai Li agent, you dodged a rock pillar that was in front of you. The three of you fought the Dai Li agents as Aang fought Azula, which made you glad that he's the one who's confronting her. Azula then ran off into a tunnel with an agent.

"I can't pin her down, she's too quick!" Aang said as Toph quickly got rid of the agent in metal.
"Wait! Aang! (Y/N)! Toph! Stop attacking!" You heard Sokka shouted, and you all stopped to turn to him.

"Don't you see what she's doing? She's just playing with us. She's not even trying to win this fight!" He pointed out angrily.
"Not true. I'm giving it my all," Azula raised an eyebrow with a sly smile.

"You're trying to keep us here and waste all our time!" Toph pointed at her with a glare.
"Um, right, I think your friend just said that, genius. And since you can't see, I should tell you I'm rolling my eyes," Azula smirked, which made you furrow your eyebrows a little.

"I'll roll your whole head!" Toph spat out.
"She's just baiting you again," Sokka reassured her.
"So we just have to leave?" You asked him, a little worried about how much time you have for the eclipse.
"We don't have a choice. We just have to get out of here and find the Fire Lord on our own somehow," Sokka told you and started to walk off.

"It's a trap. Don't say I didn't warn you," Azula shrugged, but Sokka waved her off.
"Ignore!" He yelled.
"So, Sokka's your name, right? My favorite prisoner used to mention you and my darling (Y/N) all the time," That made you freeze, knowing one person who knows both you and Sokka.

Sokka froze too, turning back at her with a look of disbelief.
"She was convinced you were going to come rescue her. Of course you never came, and she gave up on you," Azula smirked, and your pushed your arm in front of Sokka, making sure he won't lash out.

"She also gave up when I told her that our wedding will begin at Sozin's Comet. Which will certainly happen (Y/N)~ just come back and the punishment will be lowered, just a little~" You narrowed your eyes at her, but Sokka then yelled out in anger as he pushed you behind him, charging at Azula.

"Come and get it," She smirked, and Toph then launched a rock to trap her wrist to the wall, where she dropped her shuriken.
"Boomerang!" You shouted in shock as he grasped her by the shirt and glared at her.
"Where. Is. Suki?!" He demanded, venom spitting out.

"Sokka don't!! I love Suki too, but we need to go! The eclipse is going to end!" You yelled and tried to pull him back, but he wouldn't budge.
"Where's our girlfriend?!" He spat out angrily.
"Our? Seems like my love became a little desperate after she left me," Azula simply smirked, which made Sokka's blood boil.

"Shut up and don't you dare talk to her!! Where's Suki?! Answer me!" He demanded out, it Azula wasn't walking again.
"Sokka, she won't talk," Aang tried to pulled him off too, but nothing worked.
"Where are you keeping her?!" He yelled again, and suddenly, you felt a jolt through your body.

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