Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Oh No, The Love Interests Are Fighting

You were glad that Appa finally landed at a clear part of the forest so you all could resto

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You were glad that Appa finally landed at a clear part of the forest so you all could resto. Yawning, you grabbed Twig and jumped off Appa, who was shedding and you landed in his fur, making Twig jump into the fur pile.
"Hey! You guys picked a great campsite, the grass is so soft," Toph smiled as she felt the ground.

"That's not grass. Appa's shedding," You pointed out as Twig rolled around in the fur.
"Ugh, gross!" Katara stuck her tongue out.
"Ah, the beauty of spring. You know, rebirth, flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat," Aang explained with a smile.

"It's not that bad, Katara. It makes a great wig!" Sokka retorted as he had made a wig that was very tall.
"And a great beard! Aang brushed a makeshift beard as you patted your eyebrows.
"Why would you need those when you have fancy eyebrows?" You beamed as you looked like an owl with the fur on your eyebrows.

You three laughed as Katara rolled her eyes.
"Not you too (Y/N)," She sighed as Toph walked up next to you.
"Excuse me, does anyone have a razor? Because I've got some hairy pits!" She raised her arms to show the fur on her, making you all laugh as Aang sneezed and knocked himself on Appa'a leg.

You laughing made Katara smile and chuckled too, and you all eventually grabbed stuff to make camp. You helped Aang with setting up the tents, and you turn your head when you heard Katara talking to Toph, and her getting more frustrated by each second with your rock buddy.
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Aang asked you, as you subconsciously started pulling at nothing, as you were supposed to pull ropes for the tent.

"I don't think Water girl and Laffy Taffy are getting along from the start," You mumbled as you grabbed sleeping bags to set down.
"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll get along, they just need more time. No one could be friends in an instant like us," Aang smiled and placed a hand on your arm.

"I guess, not everyone can get along with Tophy, so it'll be a challenge for her," You smiled at him, and if he had hair, you would've ruffled his hair, but you instead lifted his orange flap and covered his head.
"Hey!" You both laughed as Sokka came back with firewood. A few moments passed and you all were eating, with Toph eating near her rock tent.

You noticed Katara walking over to try and talk to Toph, but she threw a sarcastic comment and made Katara huff at her words. You got up to place a hand on Katara's shoulder.
"Don't worry about Laffy Taffy, Water girl. She can be very stubborn at times," You smiled at her, which made her smile through her tiredness.

But then she looked over to Toph and frowned again.
"More like all the time," She grumbled and walked away. You sighed and was about to walk to help, but then Toph moved the ground below you, which made you fall over and land next to her.
"Sup," She laughed and you gave a small chuckle.

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