Chapter 33

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Chapter 33- Finding Your Core Strength

"Your death? My dear, why would you ever want to know about that?" Aunt Wu asked you, completely shocked at your question

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"Your death? My dear, why would you ever want to know about that?" Aunt Wu asked you, completely shocked at your question.
"Because I have these troubles in my past. Ones I want to confront, the ones I was able to pull through.   But what happens if those problems fight back? And what if I lose?" You asked her with a serious expression on your face.

"Oh my. Well, alright dear, let's see," She closed her eyes and held your hand close. Twig whined and nuzzled against you. You suddenly felt the ground shake, and you felt something dangerous nearby. Wu then opened her eyes and gave you a solemn look.

"Here is your future,"


"Thank you Aunt Wu, so very much," You bowed to her. She smiled and closed the door behind you as you took a deep breath. Twig on your shoulder, chirping at you to get the berries you promised.
"Alright boy, let's go get those berries," You chuckled, walking off to a market cart.

"Thank you," You thanked the marketer and gave the berries to Twig, who snatched them and scarfed them down.
"Slow down bud you're gonna get hiccups," You smiled, then saw Sokka, Aang, and Katara at Wu's door.
"(Y/N)! You're just in time!" Sokka said in a panic.
"Can you believe she won't let me in? And after all the business I've given her?" Katara sighed at the closed doors, making you snort.

"But she doesn't even charge," Aang pointed out.
"I know, but still," Katara said.
"Well, we have other things to worry about. Aunt Wu was wrong about the volcano." Sokka blurted out, making you feel that dangerous feeling from before.
"Sokka, you tried to convince me she was wrong before. It's going to take an awful lot to change my mind" The ground shook hard again, this time you looked at the volcano, smoke coming out of the top.

"Oh no," You muttered. The four of you ran towards the people in a hurry.
"Everyone, that volcano is gonna blow any second! Aunt Wu was wrong!" Sokka shouted urgently.
"Yeah, yeah, we know you don't believe in Aunt Wu, Mr. science and reason lover." A woman smiled.
"If you won't listen to him, maybe you'll listen to me. I want to believe Aunt Wu and her predictions as much as you do, but my brother Aang saw the lava with their own eyes." Katara exclaimed.

"Well, I heard Aunt Wu's prediction with my own ears." A man said, not buying a word they said, making you get irritated.
"For the love of Kyoshi people! You're all going to die if you don't think for once and do things for yourselves! Do something to save you all instead of being useless!!" You shouted at them. Pfft, more like yelling at yourself.

The ground shook again and Sokka motioned to the volcano.
"Look! Can your fortune telling explain that?" Sokka yelled.
"Can your science explain why it rains?" A man scoffed.
"Yes! Yes, it can!" Sokka yelled, angry at all of them.

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