Chapter 48

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Chapter 48- End Of The Past's Pain

Chapter 48- End Of The Past's Pain

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"You belong to the Fire Nation, and in this case,

You belong to me,"


"GO TO HELL!!" You kicked him where the sun don't shine, which made him groan and take a step back.
"Great timing you guys," You gave a weak grin, seeing the gaang, Yue, and Appa ready to fight.

"Don't bother." Zhao glared, holding the bag close to his fist.
"Zhao, don't!" You yelled at him.
"It's my destiny, to destroy the moon and the Water Tribe." He snarled.

"Destroying the moon won't hurt just the Water Tribe. It will hurt everyone, including you. Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance. You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world." Aang tried to plead the man.

"He is right Zhao," You perked at the new and yet familiar voice.
"Iroh!!" You cried happily, but then the helmsman who held you covered your mouth again.
"General Iroh, why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?" Zhao scoffed at the old man.

"I'm no traitor, Zhao, the Fire Nation needs the moon, too; we all depend on the balance. Whatever you do to that spirit I'll unleash on you ten-fold. Let it go, now!" You've always seen Iroh calm and happy, seeing him like this scared you, which made you excited to see his be a badass too.

Zhao glared at the man, but he slowly crouched down to let the moon spirit into the pond. You weren't convinced, and it was proved as Zhao yelled and sent a giant fire wave into the pond. Your eyes widen as the moon suddenly turned grey, and immediately, Iroh sent fire attacks at Zhao.

You then elbowed the Helmsman behind you and raised the earth to trap the other soldiers. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Zhao about to run, but you quickly jumped and kicked him in the back, knocking him down. He still got up to run and you chased him, anger and fury in your eyes.

Twig tried to coo out for you, but you already left to kill Zhao, all you could see was red, and you Zhao sliding down a roof.
"Where do you think you're going, Zhao?" You spat out, glaring daggers at him.
"Oh, now you grew to be brave? Let's see how brave you could be!" Zhao mocked you, and threw a fire wave at you, but you simply ran through it and raised chucks of rocks at him.

His eyes widened at you seemingly not having any reaction of his fire.
"You just shut up for one damn moment in your life," You raised the rocks to continue aiming at him. He run close and had a fire punch in his hand, which he aimed at you.

But then, another wave of fire came and Zhao backed away from it, seeing Zuko behind you, but you didn't care.
"You're alive?" He muttered in shock.
"You tried to have me killed!" Zuko shouted and pushed you back, but you didn't budge.

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