Chapter 28

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Chapter 28- Turns Out It Was Both

"We need to find the Fire Navy communication tower

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"We need to find the Fire Navy communication tower. All the navy's movements are coordinated by messenger hawk. And every tower has to be up to date on where everyone is deployed," Zuko told Katara as the two flew with Appa across the sky.

"So once we find the communication tower, we bust in and take the information we need," Katara concluded, the duo spotting the tower.
"Not exactly. We need to be stealthy and make sure no one spots us, otherwise they'll warn the Southern Raiders long before we reach them," Zuko piped in, pulling his mask up

"Yeah, like you two are so good that being stealthy,"

Katara and Zuko quickly spun around, prepared to attack, only to see you sitting at the tail of Appa, nonchalantly leaning against the saddle.
"How'd you-"
"I haven't just been spending five years wandering the world, I picked up a skill or two," You simply said and Twig popped out of your cloak with his own mask.

"Why are you here?" Zuko asked you.
"Because the author knew that if they just skipped this part of the episode, the readers will be mad," You said, and Zuko raised an eyebrow, not knowing what you're saying.

"Doesn't matter right now. We're here," Katara suddenly said and landed Appa near the water.
"Stay here," Katara said and the two hopped off to get the scroll. You furrowed your eyebrows and laid against the saddle, Twig rubbing his head against you.

"It's okay Twigster, Water girl is just filled with hate and anger. She's going to be fine," You whispered, and looked up at the tower.

"I hope,"

You watched as Zuko slept, softly running your hand through his hair, turning to see Katara was still awake.
"You should get some rest. We'll be there in a few hours. You'll need all your strength," You whispered, scooting over to her.

"Don't you worry about my strength. I have plenty. I'm not the helpless little girl I was when they came," She sighed, looking down at her lap with bags under her eyes. You noticed that she was lost in thought, knowing that she was remembering what happened all those years ago.

"I ran as fast as I could," She muttered, staring into nothingness.
"But we were too late. When we got there, the man was gone... And so was she," Her voice bracket at the last part, pulling her knees to her chest.

You looked at her for a moment, before quietly placing a hand on hers.
"Your mother was a brave woman," You whispered to her, and she looked at for you a moment.

"I know,"


"There! See those sea raven flags? It's the Southern Raiders," Zuko pointed at a ship sailing away. Twig bit your mask and pulled it up to cover your face as Zuko and Katara did the same.
"Let's do this," She led Appa into the ocean to hide, and bended water to grab one of the soldiers.

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