Chapter 45

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Chapter 45- Confrontation

"Come on Water girl! Kick his sun shiner!" You shouted as Pakku dodges the ice plates Katara threw, and hits her with a massive water wave

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"Come on Water girl! Kick his sun shiner!" You shouted as Pakku dodges the ice plates Katara threw, and hits her with a massive water wave.
"Well, I'm impressed. You are an excellent waterbender." Pakku said with a raised eyebrow.
"But you still won't teach me, will you?" She huffed out.

"No," He then rides a wave to knock Katara down, in which her necklace falls on the ground. Pakku separates ice and sends it straight down to Katara, causing Twig to look away from fear. You furrowed your eyebrows at Pakku's victory when Katara was unable to move.
"This fight is over." He simply said.

"Let me at him, I'll show him a real fight," You growled as Sokka and Aang held you back. As he walked passed Katara, Pakku paused and stared at something on the ground.
"This is my necklace," He mumbled with shock as he picked Katara's necklace up.
"No, it's not. It's mine! Give it back!" She yelled, trying to get out of the ice spikes.

"I made this sixty years ago for the love of my life... for Kanna." Pakku unfroze the ice and Katara looked at him with confused eyes.
"My Gran-Gran was supposed to marry you?" She asked him.
"A plot twist, but I'm still going to pull a Suki and kick the misogyny out of him," You bluntly said.

"I carved this necklace for your grandmother when we got engaged. I thought we would have a long, happy life together. I loved her." Pakku sighed sadly, gently rubbing the necklace with his thumb.
"But she didn't love you, did she? It was an arranged marriage. Gran-Gran wouldn't let your tribe's stupid customs run her life. That's why she left. It must have taken a lot of courage." Katara told him.

Apparently that made Yue cry and ran off, making you confused and run after her.
"(Y/N)-!" The chief stopped Aang and Sokka from running as you and Twig followed the princess. Night falls and you took many turns to find Yue, Twig sniffing the air and pointing the direction on where she went.

'Of course; the bridge we were supposed to meet,' You thought, running the steps and stopping to see her crying.
"What do you want from me?" She sniffed, wiping the tears away.
"Nothing, I just.... Yue, I'm sorry for not meeting at the bridge like we promised, but I let Sokka go instead because he liked you! And if he said something to upset you, I'll kick his water tribe butt to the moon," You told her, cracking your knuckles.

"You don't understand," Yue started.
"You're right, I don't, but if it's because of either Sokka or something else, I'll fix it. I really liked you in the beginning, but if Boomerang likes you, then I'm not going to get in the way and-" You paused, feeling lips on yours, face heating up as Yue kissed you with love and gentleness.
"Wha..." You said breathless.

"You're really are a dummy (Y/N)," She softly giggled, placing her gloved hands on your cheeks.
"I do love you, but when Sokka came to the bridge instead of you, he told he something that made everything so clear," She said.

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