Chapter 31

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Chapter 31- I'm A Theatre Major, I Know What A Stage Is... Maybe

Scene change, and you tensed up at the memory of your brother fighting alongside Azula

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Scene change, and you tensed up at the memory of your brother fighting alongside Azula. But that fear was thrown out the window as you saw a scrawny kid playing your brother.
"Azula, my sister, what are you doing here?" A.Z dramatically pointed out.

"N-n-no brother! T-t-this isn't y-y-you!" Actor you weeper out.
"You caught us," Actress Azula raised her hands up as actor (B/N) pointed into the sky.
"Wait, what's that? I think it's your honor!" You and your mother had to cover your mouths when his high pitch voice came out.

"Where?" A.Z and the others looked around and actress Azula and actor (B/N) snuck away.
"They escaped, but how?" A.K gasped out.
"Ninja vanish," You whispered, making yourself snort.

Scene change, and you were all in Ba Sing Se where the drill was breaking the wall.
"If she continues drilling, this wall will come down for sure!" A.A pointed out and kept throwing fake rocks.
"Haha, yes! Continue drilling! The city of Ba Sing Se can hide no longer!" Actress Azula laughed out.

Scene change, and they somehow gathered information about your family, where actor you and actress mom was in the scene.
"Oh (Y/N)! Oh how I'm so sorry for being a terrible mom and abandoning you in a giant world filled with dangerous animals and people!" She cried out.

Actor you just kept crying and for some reason, was singing, which was embarrassing. Who sings the fight song randomly out loud?!
"Don't worry mom, they're only half right," You gave a mom a pat, making her slump.
"Gee, thanks..."

Scene change, and it was when you all were in Lake Laogai.
"No, Jet! What did they do to you?" A.A gasped as actor you kept crying.
"L-look into m-my eyes J-Jet!" You just rolled your eyes.

"Must... serve... Earth King! Must... destroy!" Actor Jet moaned out and started to yell as a rock was thrown onto stage, and he got under the rock.
"Did Jet just... die?" Zuko tilted his head.
"You know, it was really unclear," Sokka shrugged.
"If he didn't die, one of us will," You commented and leaned against your seat.

Scene change, and it was when Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula captured you.
"Oh darling, you are such a cutie! I hope you have room in your heart for us when the wedding comes!" Actress Azula cooed and rubbed her cheek against actor you.

"W-why would y-y-you love s-s-s-someone like m-me?" Actor you stuttered out with big out and a pout.
"Because silly! You are so powerful and adorable!" Actress Ty Lee giggled out.
"Love is overrated. Love is nothing, and it's a shame the Avatar had hearts for you," Actress Mai scoffed and flipped her hair up.

"B-b-but the A-a-avatar i-i-is like a-a brother!" Actor you said and started to cry. You just buried your head into your hands.
"Gross," You muttered, noticing Aang getting up to walk away.

Scene change, and Actress Azula, A.Z, and A.I stood.
"Well, my brother, what's it going to be? Your nation, or a life of treachery?" Actress Azula demanded.
"Choose treachery, it's more fun!" A.I gave thumbs up.

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