Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- Journey Through The Serpent's Path

"I can't believe we gave up our tickets and now we're going through the Serpent's Pass," Sokka complained as you all grabbed your bag to leave

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"I can't believe we gave up our tickets and now we're going through the Serpent's Pass," Sokka complained as you all grabbed your bag to leave.
"I can't believe you're still complaining about it," Toph sighed as you heard footsteps behind you.
"I'm coming too!" Suki said with her Kyoshi uniform.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Sokka asked warily.
"Sokka, I thought you'd want me to come," Suki argued as Sokka scratched his neck.
"I do, it's just–"
"Yes, you're coming with us! Don't listen to Boomerang, let's go!" You interrupted Sokka and grabbed Suki's hand, pulling her with the group.

Suki turned her head to Sokka and made a motion to you, and to them, and then made a slicing throat to threaten Sokka, which he gulped and sighed.

"Oh, and if we ever stumble to a hidden village, ignore it,"


"Just ignore it,"


"This is the Serpent's Pass? I thought it would be a little more wind-y, you know, like a serpent. Huh, I guess they misnamed it,"
"Oh you have no idea," You said while crossing your arms.
"Look at this writing! How awful!" Ying covered her mouth with her hand.

"What does it say?" Toph asked you.
"Oh man, "abandon hope"," You sucked in air at the words.
"How can we abandon hope? It's all we have!" Ying hugged her husband as he comforted her.
"I don't know. The monks used to say that hope was just a distraction, so maybe we do need to abandon it," Aang shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" Katara asked.
"Hope is not going to get us into Ba Sing Se and it's not going to help find Appa and Twig. We need to focus on what we're doing right now and that's getting across this path," He explained as he slinked over to the entrance.
"Seems fine to me, I lost hope when I got exiled, but look, I'm fine!" You have her a small smile, and she sighed worriedly.

"Okay, if you say so," She mumbled as you all started to walk, with you behind to make sure no one would fall.
"The Fire Nation controls the western lake. Rumor has it they're working on something big on the other side of it and don't want anyone to find out what it is," Suki explained as a Fire Nation ship sailed next to the pass, not noticing you all.

Just then, Than slipped from the path, but you and Toph managed to save him with a rock platform.
"I'm okay!" He said, bout the rock he slipped on fell into the water, and the ship noticed.
"They've spotted us! Let's go, let's go!" Sokka shouted and you all ran for it. Aang jumped to block any fireballs, and one hit above you.

But then Sokka pushed you forward as rocks were about to fall on him, but Toph covered him with a rock wall.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay? You have to be more careful!" Sokka told you.
"I could handle myself," You said and patted Toph on the head.

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