Chapter 2: Another accident

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Jack got home and hid his now dry but smelly clothes and had a shower. He did not want his parents to find out what had happened. 

He spent the rest of the day in his room playing Warzone with his friend Kieran.

A week and a half later, on a Wednesday, Jack woke up with another leaked drynite. It was a particularly hot day and Jack had drank more water than usual at school. He tried to force himself to go to the toilet at break but he did not need to. After break he had a surprise test in maths which would run into lunch time by 15 minutes. Halfway through the test all the water Jack had drank finally made its way to his bladder. Jack put his hand up and asked Mr Hegarty, who usually had been lenient on allowing students to go to the toilet in class, if he could go to the toilet. "I'm sorry but we are in the middle of a test I can't allow you to go. There's only 20 minutes left you can hold it right?" Mr Hegarty said. 10 minutes later and Jack became more desperate and crossed his legs and began rocking back and forth. No one else noticed due to them all being concentrated on their tests. Jack completely gave up on the test and found himself staring at the clock waiting to be let out so he can go to the toilet.

Finally Mr Hegarty said "times up". To Jack's disappointment he dismissed students row by row and Jack was in the back row with James. When the only 2 students in the back row was dismissed Jack jumped out of his chair, but it was too late.  James and Mr Hegarty watched as Jack stood over his desk, crying and wetting himself uncontrollably. 

"Jack I'm so sorry, you should have told me if you were that desperate to go to the toilet" said Mr Hegarty, shocked at what he had just witnessed. Jack stood there still crying with a puddle underneath him. "James could you go with him to the nurse's office please" Mr Hegarty asked. James agreed. Jack was horrified that his crush had now seen him wet himself twice. No one else saw them on the way to the nurses office.

When they arrived, James left and went to eat lunch while the nurse gave Jack some wipes and told him to go behind the curtain and wipe himself while she went to find some spare clothes. The nurse returned with some clothes and a tape up nappy and passed it under the curtain. "no way am I wearing that" he said. "I'm sorry but we don't have any other underwear" the nurse replied. "I'd rather go commando" Jack said. "That's up to you I guess" the nurse said. Jack got changed and then went to his next lesson as lunch was now over. He couldn't wait to go home.

When Jack got home he ran upstairs and played warzone until his mum came home and called him downstairs. "JACK COME HERE RIGHT NOW". He went downstairs to his mum and said "what is it". "I got a call from the school nurse today telling me you had an accident" his mum said. "I'm sorry mum" said jack quietly. "Has this ever happened before?" she asked. Jack didn't want to lie to his mum so he said "yeah I wet myself a couple of weeks ago at school". "Why didn't you tell me?". Jack felt so ashamed and embarrassed. He had wet himself a few times on long car journeys but it hadn't happened in almost a year. Jack's mum said "I'm concerned about how often those drynites leak at night I think you should start wearing proper taped nappies to bed so we don't have to keep washing the sheets." "Mum no!" Jack protested. "Well I'm fed up of having to wash those sheets everyday. And also if you keep wetting yourself at school you should think about wearing pull ups". "No it won't happen again I promise!" Jack exclaimed. "If it happens again I will be buying more pull ups for you to wear at school. You're 14 years old we really should not need to be having this conversation" she said before walking away.

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