But I also had to make sure he had thought everything through.

"Are you sure you want me for that? I don't want you to offer me this because you feel like you have to-"

"That's definitely not the case darling. I've thought this through for months. Which is why I'm also gonna tell you that you don't have to answer me right now. Take some time and think it over. It's a big deal, and I want you to be confident in whatever decision you make."

"Okay, I will. I honestly can't thank you enough Harry." I say and go in for a tight hug around his waist.

He hugs me back even tighter if possible and gives me a kiss on the head.

"My absolute pleasure." He hums.

After that I took a few days to think about every aspect of being in the band. With Harry and my relationship being at the top of the list.

He said he thought over everything meaning I'm pretty sure he's thought about this too. Also meaning obviously he's not worried about it.

And to be honest I'm not extremely worried about it either, but there is always a bit of fear when mixing business and pleasure.

But then there's another factor.

It's Harry.

No matter what we'll be alright.

Then I also had to think about my career path. I mean I'm twenty-two. I wanna get this train moving. And this could be a great start.

But at the same time it makes me feel bad.

I became friends with Harry originally simply because I loved his company. Not because I wanted to use him to get somewhere in my career. And part of me feels like if I say yes I will be doing exactly that.

And that makes me sick.

So I did something never do.

I actually talked about it.

I asked him if he felt I was using him in any way, and I told him to be honest. I asked him to really think about it.

He laughed.

He told me I was crazy. Then I told him I was serious and wanted to make sure he was really okay with all of this.

Then he assured me.

"Cherry, you do realize that I was the one to initiate all of these things right? I asked you to start writing songs with me. I asked you to come up with piano arrangements. I asked you to be in the band. You never once overstepped or crossed any boundaries. How can you use me if you didn't start it. I did. If anything I'm using you." He laughs at the end.

I laughed too, and now that that worry was settled I could finally come to a decision. I took one more night to completely think it over and the next morning I told him yes.

I'm now in a band baby.

Something else that has changed is that Emma is crazy.

Wedding planning doesn't really suit her.

She's so stressed about everything and she's not handling it very well. I try to help as much as possible but she's being very controlling over it. And KJ is no help since he doesn't know a thing about wedding planning. All I know is I better get a great maid of honor dress.

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