16. All My Clarity

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16. All My Clarity

 All My Clarity_______________

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WAKING WITH A hot flush and a sheen layer of sweat coating her skin, Naomi's thighs were sticky with the remnants of her dirty dream when she shot awake in the early hours of the morning. She didn't need to check to see that she'd stayed longer than the negotiated twenty minutes. Her body felt leaden and warm.

Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

She opened her heavy eyes to adjust her vision to the dim room and was meet with her husband's broad chest. She wasn't sure when but, Giaro had taken the liberty of switching sides. Now, on his pillow, she was encompassed by his scent. Giaro's heavy arms shielded her body and held her close to him as they wrapped across her chest and stomach.

Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

Naomi groaned at the sound that had pierced through her fantasies of her husband burying his head between her thighs and forcing her to take all he could give. The habitual shame that came with thinking of her husband in such erotic images quietly kindled under her prickling pores.

Bzzzt! Bzz—

She twisted her body. "Hello?"


She groaned. The coolness of the sleek device cut into her flushed ear and cheek. "Should I be concerned that you're calling my husband at," —Naomi glanced at the screen with narrowed eyes before pressing it against her ear— "four in the morning?"

Luuc's smooth, deep chuckle came from the other end of the line. "Well, your husband hasn't been sleeping much lately. I'd be remiss not to capitalize on that and get some work done."

They really are their father's sons, Naomi groaned.

"Workaholics hardly sleep," she bargained.

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