Chapter 1: The first accident at school

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Jack is a 14 year old boy from London. He is quite shy, relatively short, skinny and has medium length blond hair. His favourite thing to do in his spare time is gaming. He frequently wets the bed and wears drynites at night. Occasionally he has wet himself during the day on long journeys but at school he makes an effort to go to the toilet regularly and not drink much water - he has not had an accident at school since primary school.

Jack woke up wet as he did most days. His drynites had leaked so he had to wash his bedsheets before having breakfast, brushing his teeth and showering and then going to school

Jack, as usual had not done his english homework so he got a detention after school. After english was lunch and he was let out slightly late so decided to go to the lunch queue before it got any longer instead of going to the toilet like he usually did. After eating he went straight to the toilet but it was out of order - the other toilet which was usually full of roadmen dealing drugs, was on the other side of the school and lunch was almost over. Jack decided that because he didnt really need the toilet that he can wait a bit longer and ask to go during PE.

Jack hated PE as he was one of the smallest people there and he was bad at football which they did every single week. Plus the PE teacher was an arsehole and didnt let Jack go to the toilet. After an hour of playing football, Jack was sweaty and exhausted - He had drank a whole litre of water during PE and now he really needed to pee. On the way back to the changing rooms a squirt of pee came out and dampened his underwear. Luckily no one noticed the wet spot when he was changing. After being let out, Jack ran to the toilets and when he was almost there he ran into Miss Corden,  the english teacher, outside her classroom. "Jack why are you running in the corridor, would you like me to add extra minutes to your detention? Now come inside the class and sit quietly" she said. "Can I go to the toilet first" asked Jack. "The sooner you get the detention done, the sooner I can go home for my weekend, so no you cant" she replied

Jack reluctantly sat down in Miss Corden's classroom next to James who he secretly had a crush on but had never spoken to. The next 15 minutes were the longest 15 minutes of his life. He sat there squirming with his legs crossed, desperately trying to hold it in - James noticed this and Jack was aware of how obvious his situation was. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life.

Miss Corden returned to the classroom after 15 long minutes and dismissed Jack and James from detention. As Jack stood up, some more pee squirted into his pants. Once he was out of miss Corden's sight, he ran to the toilets, which should be empty at this time of day. Once he turned onto the final corridor that led to the toilets (the longest corridor in the school) he felt a sense of relief that he could make it - this seemingly never ending corridor was the home stretch.

He was 5 metres away from the toilets when he felt his underwear get wet. Then it all came out like a waterfall. He stood there in horror as for the first time since year 5 he had just wet himself at school. It lasted for a full minute, Jack's trousers, pants, socks and part of his shirt was soaked, his shoes were full to the brim with steaming piss; there was a massive puddle on the floor - bigger than any puddle Jack had ever made before. Luckily it was after school on friday and there was practically no one else in the school. Jack went into a toilet cubicle and sat down on the toilet seat and thought about what to do next. He was stuck - if he tried to leave, the roadmen that hang around outside the school gates will see him in his wet clothes and probably beat him up. The school nurse had already gone home so could not help him

Meanwhile James who needed the toilet (not as urgently as jack) walked to the toilet. He saw a huge puddle outside the door and had a pretty good guess what had happened after seeing Jack desperate to pee in detention. He walked in and heard crying from one of the cubicles. "Jack? are you in there?" he said as he knocked on the door " fuck off" Jack screamed back at him. "Do you need any help? I can get you some clothes from lost property." James said. Jack was surprised that James wasnt laughing at him and is actually trying to help. "yes" Jack said after a long pause

After James returned with some clothes and Jack got changed, Jack finally came out of the cubicle. "I wont tell anyone dont worry" James said "ok" Jack responded, still mortified by the fact he had just wet himself at school and someone else knows about it. They walked together to the school gate and stayed silent the whole time. Jack carried a very strong smell of urine. After leaving the school they went their separate ways home.

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