Chapter Forty-One: The First Moon

Start from the beginning

"The night before your wedding, her highness forgot to set up the bounded field she has always placed upon her chambers," Enkidu answered. "That was when a figure of an assassin managed to get inside. Good thing I arrived in time."

Gilgamesh wouldn't have cared but after the night he made you his, the possibility of you bearing his child lived rent-free in his head. Still, he didn't want to pass up the opportunity of testing your queenship as soon as you obtained the crown.

"That's why if you're planning on another long expedition only to play with her highness's feelings, I suggest we stop," Enkidu said, this being one of the very few occasions he went to rationalize with the king.

"Isn't this the reason you encouraged me to get a queen—for us to be able to go on journeys without having Uruk suffer another economic downfall?" Gilgamesh replied. "If you oppose to us continuing our journeys, it only equates to you opposing your own idea."

The hall went silent as Gil's words hit home. Enkidu had to admit the fact that back then, he once looked at you the same way the king does—a substitute to his greatness, a secondary pillar to hold up Uruk, but all those changed the moment he actually met you.

Because as much as the king denies, you are wonderful in your own way. You held a glory equal to his that deserves more than hiding behind his shadows. In a short span of time, you were able to make the people love you, and that doesn't exclude Enkidu nor Siduri.

And so, under the condition of maximum security around the ziggurat and your embassy, Enkidu decided to accompany the king, just as he has always done so. 

So much of this earth's land is yet to be graced by the king's glory and so much of this world's treasures are yet to be owned by Gilgamesh.

On the day of their departure, you had the servants prepare them all that they needed, especially food that could last them some time to give their journey a headstart. This was the first time the two of them left with the feeling of being cared for. 

You watched at a distance as the men helped bring the supplies you've prepared upon Vimana. As much as you had personal dislikes to the king, which you're starting to cast away, you can't just overlook the fact that he might die of hunger out there. 

At the same time, you can't risk him dying because of the fact that he is the soul of Uruk. To rationalize your feelings, you're doing this for the greater good, not because you cared about him. Or so, you say.

The moment they were about to take off, Gilgamesh was silent contrary to Enkidu who kept reminding you not to bring down the bounded field cast upon your chambers. You honestly thought of casting down the barrier but because of Enkidu's repetitive reminders, you decided to just keep it up.

Frankly, you didn't understand why he had to worry too much. He should be pleased with the fact that Gilgamesh would be away since he's the only person you can associate with danger. But that was what you know. That's only what you know.


Due to the fact that Gilgamesh was away, all of the kingdom's concerns were dumped on you. With the help of Siduri, and sometimes, the great king himself, you were able to push through the first moon without him.

Gilgamesh may suck at being king but his job was no joke. Having had experienced it firsthand, that's what you can confirm. 

With him away, it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders despite the stress you feel when Uruk's economic status felt overwhelming. For a bit, you felt a little freer.

All has been going well and okay until one morning, while you were sitting on the throne, tending to the capital's concerns, you suddenly felt tired. Not in the mental nor emotional aspect, but physically, even though you mostly just sit on the throne.

You brushed the feeling of uneasiness the first time because you thought it was only due to the fatigue from probably overworking yourself these past days but unfortunately, you suddenly felt the feeling of needing to vomit.

Because of that, you hurriedly stood off the throne and ran towards the bathing chambers, leaving the people behind. You kept your hand clasped over your mouth to prevent yourself from puking all over the place.

"Your highness!" You heard Siduri exclaim as she rushed after you. The moment you reached the bathing chamber, you felt an involuntary stomach reflex that made you bend over as you tried to get rid of the gagging feeling in your throat by vomiting.

Siduri placed one hand on your back as she held your arm with the other, "Your highness, what's wrong?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

You were about to turn and answer her when your body decided to give out at the last minute. You fell limply in Siduri's arms as her worried expression was the last thing you saw before you passed out. 

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