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Cross tagging is when tags are used for one topic/subject but are being used incorrectly.

For example, DDLG (which means "Daddy Dom, Little Girl") is a BDSM term. However, there is a way some people try to make it SFW. The key to using these tags correctly is when speaking of the SFW community remove the second 'D' which means Dom. You can switch the Daddy to Mommy and the Little Girl to Little Boy, but the key is to remove the 'Dom' and replace it with an 'X'.

Cross tagging can have a very negative effect on any community. If tags are used incorrectly not only can someone be lead in the wrong direction, but also someone who knows what the tag means may find themselves bombarded with things of something completely separate. Cross tagging can make someone uncomfortable, and in extreme cases it can trigger panic attacks.

For things like little space, little, caregiver, headspace, and titles (like dada or mama) are to be used at your own risk. Many people within the community will come after you regardless of how clear you are about how you use the terms. In all honesty doing anything regarding tagging will cause some people to be angry, but that is out of your control.

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