Regressing Alone

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Regressing alone can be difficult for some while for others it is what they prefer. Having eyes on you can make regressing difficult but, in some cases, it helps to have outside help. Regardless it is important to experiment and see what works best for you. Here are some important things to keep in mind when regressing on your own!

1. Know yourself!

Understanding what makes you happy is the first part. What does little you need to regress? What are some things that may upset you while regressing and make you stop? Toys, stories, gear, blankets, pets, shows, or anything else can be very important. What do you like?

2. Know your surroundings!

Do you live alone, with roommates, or with family? How many (if any) know about your regression? Can you lock your door and are there consequences if you do? Would it be safer to regress during bath time or at a friend's house? Knowing what could happen around you is very important. Sometimes you just have to worry about timing.

3. Planning and making time!

First, make a time slot for your regression where you won't be upset if you regress longer. So don't do it before work, school, or a doctor's appointment unless it is to help with stress. This is mostly because you may have trouble getting back to your normal mindset and this can make you late and anxious. 

Second, if you have a busy life then TRY to make time. For a lot of people, it helps to regress before bed or right after a hard day. Don't push it off because it could help a lot with managing your emotions, but this does not mean that you should feel guilty for not regressing. Trying is the first step.

Thirdly, if you have a busy household but there is a moment when everyone is gone or asleep then use that time to regress. It sucks having to change your whole timetable for others but in this case, it may be helpful for your peace of mind and safety.

Next, what are you going to do? Don't know, have options set out. If you regress at night but have a big day the next morning, then set a bedtime for that night so you won't be cranky. Will you get hungry? Maybe have a snack in your room, but make sure it is resealable.

4. SAFETY!!!

Sometimes your little kid mindset will make you do little kid things. Like grabbing at sharp objects without thinking of the consequences. Have first-aid equipment in your little area just in case. Make sure there aren't any dangerous things out in the open. This can also help with those that may experience impure regression as well.

5. Adapt.

Sometimes you will learn new things about yourself. What you do with that information is up to you. For example, you may learn that jeans or socks aren't comfortable when you are regressed, so adapt and set out different clothes that you can wear when you feel small.

Regressing itself is a whole different story, especially without help. Here are some tips that you can try on your own!

*Toys are very helpful. Try to play with dolls, a doctor set, a kitchen set, or a ring stack. You may feel weird at first but try to let yourself lean into it. If you feel uncomfortable with that then try playdough, fidgets, stuffed animals, or puzzles.

*Games are great. Video games, card games, board games, or even just interactive videos are fun.

*Shows, movies, videos, and music. Try rewatching shows you used to watch when you were a kid or just watch shows you can relax with. Same with movies or YouTube videos. Watch your favorite streamers when they're live. Listen to calming music to start. Lofi music, lullabies, or just soft singing could help. If you're into it, listen to ASMR.

*Clothes are essential. Do you like soft textures or shiny things? Do you like form fitting or loose and baggy? Accessories can also help like headbands, flower crowns, hair clips, or jewelry. Doing your hair in a certain way can make you feel small, even things like makeup and nail polish can help. Just be sure to dress comfortably and appropriately. So, no shorts in 10 feet of snow, and no thick, winter jackets in 100+F (37 Celsius?) degrees.

*Miscellaneous! Comfort foods, forts, pets, drawing/coloring, journalling, candles (smells help so much), and there are so many other things that can help. Maybe you are a regressor that likes to regress with the lights off. Or maybe you have to have a bath/shower to feel clean and comfortable.

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