Reasons for Regression

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Some of the most common reasons are:

Mental Disorders- Some disorders like anxiety and depression can drain a person and regression is a form of safety and can even be an outlet. Other disorders can include but are not limited to Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, etc.

Useful Mention!!! DID is not always related to regression. Some alters are children, however, other alters can regress within the system. Other factors do not involve regression whatsoever i.e., age sliding is sometimes seen as a term for regression, when in fact it is used to describe an alter within a system getting younger or older (I am not good at explaining this disorder, but I tried).

Self Help- Some people have stressful and busy lives, and a way to destress can be regressing.

Trauma- Oftentimes trauma can cause a person to regress because regressing allows them to feel the calmer and more relaxing times of being young and child-like.

I recommend that you ask the regressor why they regress because the reasons can vary depending on the person. I also recommend that you ask questions when they are NOT regressed and make sure that they are comfortable with the questions you may ask. Also, don't ask these questions in public situations, it just makes things awkward and uncomfortable.

If you are unsure why you may regress, YOU DO NOT NEED A REASON. These are just some for those that need examples, but having a reason is not necessary if you do not feel that you need one.

RegressionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang