Types of Regression

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Involuntary- This means that the regressor unintentionally (Out of their control!!!) regresses. This can be both positively and negatively triggered.

Triggers are all different depending on the person that they affect. A positive trigger can be a toy store and a negative trigger can be yelling or loud noises.

Voluntary- This means that the regressor intentionally regresses. Which means that they are in control of when they regress.

Impure- This is when the regression isn't sweet and soft. Often this is caused by negative thoughts or actions.

Pure- This is when the regression is a safe and sweet environment. This is the most common thing to see when one searches 'age regression'. Pink, glitter, stuffed animals, crayons, and pacifiers litter the floor.

Half Regression- This is when the regressor is partially regressed but still in their normal headspace. You still have an adult mindset, but you also have that same regressed headspace, and it is often easier to return to your bigger headspace, but it can be different for other people.

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