Aesthetics in the Community

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Pink, glitter, rainbows, and pacis are commonly seen all over social media where regression is concerned. However, this is not the only or 'ideal' way to regress. Some regressors don't have little gear, some don't like the color pink, some don't like baggy clothes or onesies, and some don't like pacis, and this shouldn't be a debate. Regression is a state of mind, and there shouldn't be a debate on who regresses and how.

Stuff as stupid as 'girls can but boys can't' because it isn't attractive? Regression isn't a way for you to determine who you shack up with. It's a way for someone to feel better mentally. If you see a regressed girl and want to get at it, you are in the WRONG community.

Then there are the issues people of color face. As if ethnicity stops people from experiencing relaxation. Why should I care if someone darker or lighter than me does the same thing that I do? What gives me the right to dictate how they relax, cope, or have fun when I do the same thing?

All the intense problems aside, as someone who has a very mixed style and loves all types of aesthetics from alt to cottage-core, kawaii pastels to vibrant rainbows, I find it difficult to understand some of the hate with what aesthetics someone may have. Not every regressor is the same. We are people and people are DIFFERENT, being a regressor doesn't (and shouldn't) change that simple logic.

Sometimes regression is crying and being upset, and sometimes it's about bad thoughts. A lot of people hate pink, but for some reason, it's different for regressors. You can't choose what your favorite color is without judgment. What is it with something having to be aesthetically pleasing all of the time? That's like saying a girl isn't a girl if she doesn't wear makeup, a guy isn't a guy if he isn't muscular, and a black person isn't a black person if they don't show their natural hair. Regressing isn't regressing if it isn't cute. Playing on stereotypes and misconceptions is damaging and honestly no fun.

So, if you struggle with the BS of the age regression community sometimes, just remember that what they say to you, they are saying to themselves. They regress too and for them to say awful things about you regressing just shows how uncomfortable they are in their skin.

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