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Age Dreaming- This is when the dreamer ACTS as a child. They may speak like a child, behave like a child, and enjoy childish objects. However, this is not regression because the dreamer never actually regresses into a younger mindset. They still know and understand adult topics. However, this is also not Age play or anything of that sort, meaning it is NOT sexual.

Pet Dreaming- This is when the dreamer ACTS as a pet/animal. They may act like an animal and use pet toys. However, this is not regression because the dreamer does not regress to a pet/animal-like mindset.

Reasons- Some regressors may age dream when they are experiencing regression block (will be discussed later), which can help someone regress but can also just be their way of coping while they aren't able to regress.

This can also just be someone's way of having fun. Not all people who Age/Pet dream regress and THAT'S OKAY.

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