Chapter 100: Rush to the abyss

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Le Zhishi was calling Song Yu all the way, the phone was turned off, and many WeChat messages were sent to him.

His hands were shaking when he got out of the car to pay.

There was chaos in the airport lobby, and the lights fell pale, dazzling reflections on the floor. The crowd was surrounded by small groups, as if he was alone. Le Zhishi didn't remember how he found the counter, and how he explained his situation to the counter. Afterwards, he thought that his condition must be very poor, because the service staff kept repeating "Don't worry, I'll help you see."

He was confused, only remembering that he wanted to go to Xicheng and wanted the fastest class.

After the other party inquired, he politely gave him a bad answer.

There are no direct plan.

He couldn't find Song Yu directly and in the shortest time.

Le Zhishi's hand pressed against the cold countertop of the counter, pressing very hard. A person next to him was anxious to buy a ticket. When the suitcase he was pulling over, he knocked on Lezhishi's knees and calves, so he shook it and squatted down in front of the counter.

He heard the man constantly apologizing to him and asking him if there was anything wrong. Lezhishi could only shake his head, he couldn't stand up suddenly.

After a minute, the person who bought the ticket left, and Lezhishi finally gained some strength again, holding on to the counter to take a deep breath, standing up slowly, and inquiring about the transit route.

After some setbacks, he bought a ticket to the provincial capital about to take off.

Lezhishi was very fortunate that he brought a wallet with him in order to buy peripherals, which contained a full range of documents.

It was raining outside, the sky was cold and gray, and the glass aisle outside the boarding gate was full of mist. Before he took off, he kept calling Song Yu, but he couldn't get through. He was angry and scared, but there was no other way.

He once again boarded the plane alone.

At 30,000 feet, the sky was dark and gray, and Lezhishi's heart was still in the rain.

In just two hours of flying, every second is like a year. It's hard for him not to think about the worst result, and he even can't help but attribute the bad luck to himself.

Very pulling. Half of his body was filled with imaginary pain and sorrow, real ruins and wreckage, ghostly lingering pale calling for help, the other half was for Song Yuqiang's many courageous things that made him try to calm down and let him Reason has the potential to dispel panic.

Song Yu.

Song Yu. Song Yu.

He repeated his name silently in his heart, taking it as a way of healing from stress.

The battery of the mobile phone was not much, so Lezhishi turned it off and turned it on when it was ready to land. The flight attendant passed by, and he stopped her in a panic.

"Hello, is there anything you need?"

"A glass of warm water, thank you." He added quickly, "I want paper and pens...whatever you want."

The flight attendant quickly fetched water for him, as well as a signature pen and a blank sheet of paper. Le Zhishi's chest was tight and painful, his chest was like an air sac that was gradually evacuating, and his heart condensed into a heavy shot, which fell fiercely. The stomach was very uncomfortable, and Lezhi Shi drank all the water, pressing his abdomen with one hand, and writing **** the paper with the other.

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