Chapter 49: Open and Covert Fighting

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The expression on Song Yu's face didn't really change, and he also didn't reply to Shen Mi's question.

"It's basic manners to introduce who you are when you're at someone else's door," he mildly said.

The other person smiled when he heard this. He raked a hand through his hair and said, voice unconcerned, "That's right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Yue Zhishi's classmate, in the same class. I'm Shen Mi." He then glanced at the house number again. "I haven't gone to the wrong place. I was here last time, and it was auntie who opened the door for me. You are?"

Song Yu appeared calm and composed, and the eyes looking at Shen Mi — they contained a naturally born aura that made it hard for others to get close to him.

"I'm his older brother."

Shen Mi's face looked slightly surprised. "He has a brother? Ah, that's right — I think I've heard other people mention this before, but Yue Zhishi has never said anything to me."

Song Yu raised an eyebrow. "He has also never said he has a classmate called Shen Mi."

"No way? I'm already so close with auntie." Shen Mi pulled out his phone, grinning, and opened his photo gallery. He scrolled until he found a video he'd recorded, clicked play and held it up to Song Yu.

He'd used an app to record Yue Zhishi while they were in class. In the video, Yue Zhishi was eating some snacks, and he kept using his hand to block the camera as he laughed, calling out Shen Mi's name and telling him to stop recording.

"See, I sit behind Le Le."

Song Yu watched the entire video, his face calm.

Shen Mi put away his phone. "But that's fine, we can be considered as acquainted now. Bro, can you help me call him down? Since we have to go back to school to clean out our desks today, I wanted to go together with Le Le and play basketball afterwards."

"He's still sleeping." Song Yu lowered his head to glance at his watch, and then he lifted his eyes again. He leaned against the doorframe and methodically said, "Let me remind you. Modern day science has resulted in something called a cellphone. You completely could have called Yue Zhishi a day ago and told him you wanted to go to school together with him at 9am on June 9th. This method is more likely to succeed than directly knocking on his house door. After all..."

Song Yu chuckled. "You wouldn't know what he was doing last night or if he would be up late, would you?"

The grin on Shen Mi's face faded a fair amount after he heard Song Yu speak, but it was only for two, three seconds before he nodded again, saying in a warm voice, "True, that's on me for not thinking of everything. It's just that I live nearby, so I came over in the spur of the moment. You don't know this, but he's normally very hard-working. He's always the earliest to arrive in the morning, so I didn't expect him to stay up late and laze about in bed as soon as the entrance exams were over."

The smile on his face and the intimate way he phrased his words were all telling Song Yu: they were very good friends.

No matter how you look at it, blocking your younger brother's friend outside was not a respectable way for an older brother to behave.

"Uhm, bro, I just ran over and am a bit thirsty. Can I come in for some water?" Shen Mi watched Song Yu. "I can also wait for him in the meantime."

At the end, he entered, just like he wanted.

"Water's on the kitchen island. There are other drinks in the fridge, take what you want." Song Yu returned back to the kitchen counter after he finished speaking. He opened the packaged bottle of milk and poured it into a mug, putting it into the microwave to warm up.

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