Chapter 45: Left-Behind Signs

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The late replies didn't lessen any of the joy Yue Zhishi felt at finding them — rather, discovering them so late doubled his surprise.

Before heading back to school for his evening self-study session, he placed into his schoolbag the textbook he'd thrown into a random corner for half a year. But the book was too heavy, so Yue Zhishi took it out again, carefully cutting out the two pages with Song Yu's replies and tucking them into the grey sketchbook Song Yu had previously given him.

Looking at Song Yu's handwriting, Yue Zhishi was suddenly struck by a strong urge to share what he'd just received. He didn't have someone suitable to share the messages with though, so after thinking a while, he finally posted a post on QQ visible only to himself.

[Cheese1010: Messages after half a year — received!]

Yue Zhishi felt like Song Yu might be a talent sent by the heavens to soothe him. He had never thought he could one day not only not be anxious about separating from Song Yu, but also unable to hold himself back from rushing home.

No matter when, as long as Song Yu gave him the slightest left-behind hint or signs, it would always be able to arouse his emotions.

His phone vibrated — a message from Song Yu.

[Gege: Home yet?]

Yue Zhishi initially replied without thinking, but then he deleted the two words he typed in and instead, sent over his photo of the two textbook pages.

[Yue Zhishi: You're too good at hiding things. I wouldn't have been able to hold it in for so long and would've brought it out for you to see ages ago.]

Reading Yue Zhishi's reply, Song Yu was distracted, thinking of how Yue Zhishi used to play hide and seek when they were younger. Yue Zhishi truly was just like how he said; if both of them were hiding together, Yue Zhishi would never be able to wait and stay still. If they still hadn't been found after a while, Yue Zhishi would always want to leave their hiding spot. Song Yu had always needed to cover his mouth, forcing him to stay with him and not letting him go out.

Sometimes, Song Yu had the one seeking. If he called out Yue Zhishi's name in a room and if Yue Zhishi was in there, there would always be some noise or movement. So Yue Zhishi would always lose — because he could never keep hidden.

But Song Yu hadn't been like that. As long as he wanted to hide, Yue Zhishi would never be able to find him. Yue Zhishi would start crying out of panic, and Song Yu would stand up by himself when he could no longer stand it.

The relationship between them seemed to always be like this — they could never clearly tell who was the one forcing the other to do something.

The dormitory door was suddenly opened. Song Yu came out of his daze and looked over to see Chen Fangyuan, who appeared to have just come back from outside. He noisily grumbled about how tired he was, chucking his bag onto his own desk. "I thought it was going to flood for a week and was hoping for a holiday. Who'd have thought all the water would've disappeared today. It clearly isn't the right time to have an ocean view."

As he spoke, he saw the neatly arranged pastries on his desk and was a bit puzzled. He glanced at the other desks in the room, and then he shoved his hands into his pockets and strutted over to Song Yu.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Song Yu blankly lifted his head and gave him a look before he returned his eyes back to his book. "What's wrong with you?"

"Tell me honestly, did you bring a girl in here?!"

Song Yu wrinkled his brows and flipped a page. He said calmly, "You must've gone crazy."

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