Chapter 17: A Hypothetical Existence

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Jiang Yufan got in right on time for the morning self-study. He heard about Yue Zhishi's fight as soon as he entered the classroom and ran right back out without even putting down his bag. But he still arrived too late — by the time he got to the bathroom, the school guidance director had already arrived.

The bathroom's few square metres were full of people either fighting or trying to pull others apart. Jiang Yufan forced his way through and immediately saw Yue Zhishi. His right eye was bruised, the corner of his mouth bleeding onto his torn shirt. The blood dripped onto his knitted vest, and his school badge was covered in red.

Unprecedented violence and anger covered his face.

"You all come with me to the office! What are the rest of you guys looking at? Didn't you hear the bell? Go back to class!"

Jiang Yufan couldn't understand why Yue Zhishi fought with other people. This was entirely not like him, and he would even believe it if someone said Yue Zhishi was possessed. Not just him, but even the whole class was stunned when they heard of the news.

"Who got into a fight? Yue Zhishi? You're joking right..."

"No way, Yue Zhishi's never even been late, let alone hitting someone. Oh, except for the first day of school."

"I heard he was defending that guy who skipped a grade in the next door class. I've never seen those two together before, so why would he end up brawling with someone like Wang Jie for him?"

"And it was one against four too."

"Shit, Le Le's amazing."

Some people were even holding open the windows to peer at the high school building across from them. The administrative offices for the school directors and class advisers were all on the second and third floors of the opposite building.

"Can't see anything..."

"Maybe they're still getting yelled at? They might end up in the school corridors writing self-criticism essays in a little while."

Jiang Yufan felt particularly anxious and unsettled at hearing the girl in the front seat talk about Yue Zhishi as if it was some other person.

"That Cheng Mingming's long had a history with Wang Jie. I think they used to be elementary school classmates. Last time I was in the cafeteria, I heard him say to other people that Wang Jie's family is really poor and that he's even stolen some of his money before."

"Really? Then..."

"Anyway, Wang Jie's not someone you should mess with, he's even said Cheng Mingming is useless without his parents. I feel like Le Le was dragged into this mess. Maybe both parties will find an excuse and blame it all on Le Le."

After hearing about the topic of no parents, Jiang Yufan appeared to understand something. He was worried Yue Zhishi would be at a disadvantage, so he stood up and said he needed to go toilet because his stomach ached, when he actually ran to the opposite school building.

Inside the office, the bullied Cheng Mingming kept fumbling his words, and the school guidance director couldn't get the full story out of him no matter how he tried.

"What happened? How did the fight start?"

Cheng Mingming frantically shook his head. "I had nothing to do with it, I didn't hit anyone."

This wasn't the first time Cheng Mingming and Wang Jie caused a problem. The guidance director knew this and could roughly guess what happened just by looking at them. But this case was strange in that a famously good student happened to participate in this fight — every teacher who'd taught him before knew he was sensible and obedient.

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