Chapter 42: Bedtime Reasoning

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Song Yu accepted Yue Zhishi's friend request and even promised him he'd play together with him in a two person team after the college entrance exams.

He'd only started playing the game after he entered his first year of university.

In the beginning, Song Yu had thought he'd be able to easily get used to living away from home. He'd thought his heavy load of schoolwork would be able to completely fill up his every day life, but reality proved otherwise — no matter how tired he had been during the day, once he lay down on his bed and closed his eyes, he still found it very difficult to fall asleep.

He'd been later dragged into playing the game together with a roommate. He realised it could serve as a temporary distraction, so he played for a period of time. Song Yu was very good at sniping, his in-game operation very stable, and his ranking rose very quickly. But after playing for a while, the game's ability to distract him clearly decreased, and so he no longer really wanted to play.

With his head lowered, Yue Zhishi happily stared at their friend interface in the game, and he asked if Song Yu could take him as a pupil. Song Yu very quickly rejected him.

"Why?" Yue Zhishi thought the teacher-pupil relationship in the game was really interesting, and many people carried others like this. His classmate kept trying to tempt Yue Zhishi into taking him as his teacher, but Yue Zhishi had never once been swayed. After learning that Song Yu had played this game before, Yue Zhishi wanted to play with him only.

"Isn't our relationship complicated enough?" Song Yu said, looking at his document.


Yue Zhishi felt it was easier to call him gege.

After ending their conversation about the game, the two of them tacitly started to sit together to study. Yue Zhishi felt like Song Yu had a magic power that could calm him down — when Yue Zhishi was next to him, as long as it wasn't thundering, he found it easier to focus on memorising his work, and his memory also improved by a fair amount.

Both of them tended to forget the time after they started studying. Yue Zhishi finished his memorisation work and worked his way through some incorrect literature comprehension multiple choice questions. He lifted his head, and it was already 7:30pm.

"No wonder I'm a bit hungry." Yue Zhishi leaned back on the chair. "It's already past dinner time."

Song Yu only then realised the time. He usually didn't eat at set times, so he too forgot about dinner. He lifted his phone and asked Yue Zhishi, "What do you want to eat? Let's order some delivery. The rain outside still hasn't stopped, so everything nearby might already be flooded."

"Can the delivery come all the way in here?" Yue Zhishi was doubtful. "I want to eat ."

Song Yu questioned his request, but Yue Zhishi really did want to eat it. "The best time to have river snail noodle soup is when it's raining. And hot pot too, that kind of hot and soupy meal is the best during rain."

"What kind of reasoning is that," he may have said, but Song Yu still sent a WeChat message to his roommate Chen Fangyuan, asking if he had any river snail noodle soup packets.

[Chen Fangyuan: I finished them all already. But I still have hot and sour noodles, they're really good. I also have instant ramen noodles. They're all on my desk, feel free to take some! I have ham sausages too!]

"Hot and sour noodles are fine too." Yue Zhishi saw the chat screen on the laptop. "Instant ramen noodles should be delicious."

The word 'should' made Song Yu feel he was really pitiful, so he stroked Yue Zhishi's head.

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