Chapter 57: Limited Sweetness

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The rain seemed to have lightened. Wrapped in Song Yu's arms, Yue Zhishi couldn't hear the sounds of rain; he could only hear his rapidly beating heart.

He felt completely dizzy, his arms and legs weak and sore. Everything felt too good to be true, just like the display items in glass windows — he wanted them even in his dreams, but he was always separated by a transparent barrier. He could only look at them and not touch.

When he heard Song Yu say they could give it a try, Yue Zhishi's first reaction was to think he was dreaming. He'd already passed the night in an utter daze with only a few slices of memories, and who knows: maybe he was still in his dorm, Song Yu hadn't come to take him to the hospital and there was no rented apartment.

But Yue Zhishi thought again — based on his usual quality of sleep whenever he was sick, he definitely wouldn't be able to have such a good dream.

Seeing Yue Zhishi not speaking for so long, Song Yu lowered his head to look at him. He saw his eyes wide open, his two arms loosely wrapped around his waist, looking as if he was lost in his thoughts.

Song Yu recalled his words just then. They truly couldn't be considered as an acceptable confession. He didn't seem to have said all that many suitable and sweet words. Other than pouring cold water, he'd only said instructional words.

"Yue Zhishi, are you a bit disappointed?"

Yue Zhishi jerked up his head, staring at Song Yu. Doubt slightly filled his eyes.

Song Yu self-consciously shifted away his eyes. "Should I have bought a gift, or maybe furnished this place a bit prettier."

"Then I would be even less likely to have that sort of dream." Yue Zhishi responded with a sentence that came out of nowhere. Song Yu frowned in confusion.

But Yue Zhishi still felt very blissful — he clung to Song Yu, unwilling to let go, and stuck his cheek onto the skin of his collarbones. He didn't call him gege, only earnestly calling out his name.

"Song Yu."

"Hm?" Song Yu gave him a response, his palm covering Yue Zhishi's nape.

Yue Zhishi shook his head, squeezing Song Yu tighter.

The reply that had been delivered through pen and paper appeared in front of him now, changed into a warm embrace he could take shelter in. Since he was three years old, Song Yu had been a beautiful dream Yue Zhishi chased after.

This beautiful dream was out of reach to everyone else, but Yue Zhishi was lucky — he was an exception. He only needed to work just a bit harder, cling just a bit tighter, and he was able to touch that hidden tail, obtaining that gentle touch no one else saw. It was because of this that so many unrealistic fantasies grew in Yue Zhishi.

Little brothers never yearned to stay with their older brothers for their entire lives. It wasn't like he'd never doubted his own unjustifiable behaviour and way of thinking, but Song Yu had said he could. So he'd believed him all this time, until he broke though this fake safety zone by himself.

The separation anxiety he held towards Song Yu wasn't because Song Yu was a very good older brother. It also wasn't because he was a little brother who never grew up — it was solely because he liked him.

"I really like you." Yue Zhishi nuzzled his face into Song Yu's collarbone, wriggling without thinking and repeating those words once again. Song Yu shied a bit away from his wriggling and placed his hand on Yue Zhishi's shoulder. "Don't fuss."

Yue Zhishi said he wasn't fussing, and he ended up accidentally coughing. He wasn't able to stop once he started and, worried he'd infect Song Yu, turned away to continue coughing. Song Yu wrapped the quilt around him again, subconsciously looking for the medicine.

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