Chapter 74: A Wish at the Airport

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After finalising their concepts, the progress speed of the law school's team seemed to accelerate. The five of them distributed the responsibility for the three separate concepts among themselves, and new ideas always came bouncing out whenever they held a meeting. They'd originally thought they'd been given an extremely difficult main theme with little to no novelty — no one expected to be able to have such plentiful, abundant ideas.

"I looked around both our school and our university's basketball teams and managed to find these few people." Using her iPad, Nan Jia displayed the photos of the models she'd selected and showed them to the team.

The photos slid across one by one, and Chen Pi and Zhou Yi were the most excited. "Hey, this one's hot!"

"This one's not bad either, he's super muscular."

Nan Jia couldn't help but laugh. "Why do you guys sound like you're gay?"

Chen Pi tapped his nose. "Who wouldn't be willing to be born handsome and wear the clothes they'd designed themselves? How awesome would that be. Beautiful ladies are good too, we really need pretty girls."

"We'll definitely have pretty girls. When I went over to the university team, I specifically went to take a look at the cheerleading team and etiquette department." Nan Jia scrolled down quite a few photos. "Look, aren't they all really pretty?"

Yue Zhishi looked at their dazzling collection of model options and couldn't hold back his emotional sigh, saying, "Good thing senior's so well-connected with so many resources. You have people willing to help you no matter where you go."

Nan Jia deliberately and dramatically brushed back the hair on her shoulders. "Who told me to be so loveable."

Qu Zhi had been sitting by the side, focused on her drawings, and now she suddenly looked up and turned her face towards Nan Jia.

"Did you change your shampoo?"

Nan Jia froze for a second, a bit surprised at how observant she was. "Ah... yes. Can't believe you noticed it."

"It smells really nice." Qu Zhi lowered her head again, continuing with her work.

Yue Zhishi glanced at Qu Zhi's paper on purpose — the model in the drawing may not have clear facial features, but her hairstyle and overall aura were almost exactly the same as Nan Jia's.

"With these handsome guys and beautiful girls, and the looks of us designers," Chen Pi shamelessly boasted, "we'll immediately blow up the entire room and lay waste to all the other teams. Please award us with the prize for 'the team most easy on the eyes'."

Xiao Qi also softly agreed. "We've already won with just the basketball team..."

But Nan Jia released a long sigh. "Originally I thought we'd have another shock factor, but that shock factor's too cold and indifferent and rejected me."

Lifting his head, Yue Zhishi met Nan Jia's eyes. She nodded at him regretfully and said, "It's exactly who you're thinking. Song Yu."

"Ah." Chen Pi slapped his leg. "Senior Song Yu."

Yue Zhishi was slightly surprised. "You know him too?"

"Of course." Chen Pi pointed at Zhou Yi while spinning his chair. "Aren't we second year students? We went to watch the finals for the basketball tournament last year. Good lord — I'm directly calling him my good lord — the entire court was screaming out senior Song Yu's name. I almost went deaf."

Zhou Yi nodded and added, "Especially when senior pulled up his jersey to wipe away the sweat on his face after shooting a ball. All the girls around me shrieked at the same time."

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