Chapter 23: Precautionary Warnings

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Yue Zhishi would never dodge away from his eyes, and this time was no different. He slowly blinked and said, looking relaxed, "No, why would I be? You're not a bad person, so how would you lead me astray?"

"Everyone would rather I turned out like you anyway."

Song Yu pressed his lips together. His answer was perfectly reasonable, and Song Yu probably could've guessed his answer ahead of time. He merely couldn't find a way to reply to it.

"It's cold outside. Let's go in."

Yue Zhishi had initially thought Song Yu was just joking, but he really didn't end up going to class and stayed in his room the entire afternoon without coming out. After eating dinner, Yue Zhishi worked on his homework on the tea table in the living room, but he found it hard to focus. He kept thinking about Song Yu's wrist, so he grabbed his phone and pulled up Baidu — he only typed in [what to do if your wrist slightly hurts], but he somehow found himself reading about all kinds of injuries, from sprained wrists to even fractured wrist bones.

Yue Zhishi sat up in alarm and hurriedly pulled on a heavy knit outer-coat. "Ah... Aunt Rong, do you have any trash? I'll take it out for you."

"How come you're so good today." Lin Rong grabbed a small bag from the trash can. "Just this."

Yue Zhishi ran off with the trash in his hands.

Cotton Candy lay on the sofa and watched him leave, wagging his tail.

Yue Zhishi rushed back soon after, and Cotton Candy sat at the entrance to welcome him home. Lin Rong was busy with her yoga exercises and told him a plate of fruit was left on his desk. Yue Zhishi responded to her words and hugged the medicinal supplies he'd just bought tightly to his chest, afraid she'd see it, and bolted upstairs.

After he placed down the medicine boxes, Yue Zhishi sat down to eat the small plate filled with pear and green apple slices while he studied an instruction leaflet.

"Compound anaesthetic patch... to improve blood circulation and to dissolve clots..."

It looked like the patch needed to be stuck on in order to stop the pain. Yue Zhishi lifted his head and looked at the time. Song Yu should still be doing his homework, but it felt like he might disturb him too much if Yue Zhishi just directly went over now. But what should he do if he went over later and Song Yu was already sleeping?

He thought of a way to solve both issues.

Song Yu was finishing his examination paper when he heard a knock on his door. He went to open it and didn't expect to see Yue Zhishi, who was carrying his schoolbag.

"Song Yu gege, can I do my homework with you?" Yue Zhishi asked with an expectant face.


"I don't know how to do some of the questions..." Cotton Candy staggered over to Yue Zhishi's legs as he spoke and hugged his calves. He asked again, "Can I?"

Song Yu eventually relented, and Yue Zhishi happily went inside. Orange was sitting on Song Yu's bed, leisurely rolling a cat toy around his paws, and Yue Zhishi couldn't help but be slightly envious.

"Move a chair over."

Other than study materials and stationery, Yue Zhishi's desk was covered by many drawing tools he'd saved up money to buy. Song Yu's desk was only one size larger, but there were much less things on it and looked extremely neat. Yue Zhishi grabbed a chair from the balcony as Song Yu went to find a book on his bookshelf, and he intentionally placed his chair particularly close to the desk, only a few centimetres away.

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