Chapter 76: Early Inheritance

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They'd taken the last bullet train for the day, and by the time they reached Guangzhou, it was already close to midnight.

Yue Zhishi had just woken up when they got off the train, and he was still very woozy, half wrapped in Song Yu's arms the entire time they were exiting the station.

Thinking of sending Jiang Yufan a message, he reached out and groped for his phone. That was strange.

He thought his phone had been in his left pocket earlier.

People were everywhere in the passageways, scurrying and rushing to where they needed to go. Yue Zhishi lifted his head with bleary eyes and saw a man in front of him with his bag unzipped; a small black pouch inside was about to topple out. Yue Zhishi told Song Yu where he was going and quickly ran over, managing to catch the pouch just in time.

"Hey." Yue Zhishi gave the man a pat on the shoulder. He handed the pouch in his hand over to the man once he turned around. "Your stuff fell."

The man first profusely thanked him, and then a look of surprise covered his face when he looked at Yue Zhishi. "Aren't you that mixed handsome boy from the flight?"

Yue Zhishi only then realised the man was the same person who'd sat next to him on the plane. He gave him a smile and said, "What a coincidence. We even took the same bullet train."

"Yeah. I'm so thankful for you, this pouch has all of my identification documents. It would've been a mess if I lost it." The man placed the pouch back into his bag and securely zipped it up. "Handsome guy, is there someone picking you up here? Let me take you to where you need to go."

Yue Zhishi subconsciously looked back and saw Song Yu pushing their luggages over. "No need, no need. You should go do what you're here for."

"Then please make sure you look for me if you need any help." The man took out a business card from his pocket and gave it to him, looking quite tired and worn out as he left.

"Who was that?" Song Yu spoke mildly, yet he promptly reached out and took away the card in Yue Zhishi's hand. He lowered his eyes and said, voice appraising, "...Zhou Chengwei from Mingshang Company Ltd. And even a vice president."

"He was next to me on the plane." Yue Zhishi caught Song Yu's arm and said, voice very docile and pliant, "Gege, I'm so sleepy."

Song Yu stored the business card in the outer layer of Yue Zhishi's backpack and took him out of the station.

It was raining extremely heavily outside, but it wasn't cold. The rain fell noisily and loudly, and the stream of people leaving the station was also very chaotic. Song Yu was in the middle of the crowd — and yet he stood out because of how overly calm and controlled he was.

He held open a black umbrella, gathering Yue Zhishi into his arms. They got onto a taxi he'd ordered earlier and headed towards the hotel he'd booked while they were on the bullet train.

The rain was so intense it was as though it was being poured onto the car windows. The bright neon lights of the city outside the windows were obscured, blurred into soft glowing circles of brightness. Yue Zhishi gazed out, his hand covering the back of Song Yu's slightly chilled hand.

Using very accented Mandarin, the taxi driver chatted with them, asking if they'd come to Guangzhou to play, and Yue Zhishi occasionally replied to his attempts at conversation. He turned his face over towards Song Yu's direction and saw dark water stains blotched over the shoulder of Song Yu's coat.

The friendly local driver told them where to go for the best roast goose, what places liked to cheat tourists and even praised the hotel they'd booked as being very decent.

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