Chapter 88: Approaching Winter

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Yue Zhishi no longer wanted to sleep after hearing that question.

Guessing Song Yu wouldn't answer it, he thought carefully about how he should answer.

Up to now, he and Song Yu were still in a secret relationship that couldn't be exposed. Yue Zhishi hadn't — and couldn't — tell anyone he knew that he was Song Yu's lover. It would be even more inappropriate to give that answer to a girl who was similar to being a matchmaking partner for Song Yu, especially since that girl was the daughter of Song Yu's supervisor. It was likely to implicate Song Yu's studies.

"I've lived in his home since I was a child."

Yue Zhishi's answer was a bit overly brief, so Zhang Siyun was naturally curious. "Eh? Why?"

"Because my parents have passed away, and.... When my dad was still alive, he and Song Yu's father were good friends."

"Jesus. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask that on purpose."

Yue Zhishi could see the dismay on Zhang Siyun's face, as well as a subtle touch of sympathy. There was a complicated mix of feelings in Yue Zhishi's heart.

"It's fine, it's nothing serious. They passed away when I was still very young, so I don't really remember them anymore."

In order to reduce someone else's guilt, he said some dishonest words and did his best to maintain the smile on his face. And yet he also didn't want to be taken as an adopted younger brother, so he said, "But I only live with his family, I'm not legally related to them. Song Yu and I, we... we're just two people who've grown up together."

His usage of 'just' was targeted towards his first sentence — he selfishly didn't want Zhang Siyun to think he truly was Song Yu's little brother. But the entirety of Yue Zhishi's answer, to Song Yu's ears, was as though he was clarifying something unpleasant.

Song Yu was gazing out the car. The leaves had all been blown up into the sky from the strong winds, and they were floating, adrift; they couldn't fall to the ground no matter how they struggled.

He didn't know whether he wanted them to land, or if he hoped for them to remain forever flying.

"I see, no wonder he takes care of you so well. I feel like the relationship between you two is particularly close, maybe even closer than some true blood related brothers." Zhang Siyun smiled after she finished speaking, looking at Song Yu. "There really is too much traffic. It might be lunchtime by the time we reach the university — let me treat you guys to lunch, as a thank you."

"No need," Song Yu politely declined. "This was just a small matter."

Zhang Siyun didn't continue insisting on taking them to lunch, only saying very tactfully, "We can talk about it again later."

"Oh yes, my dad told me about your graduation thesis. I hear you've pretty much completed it already. I managed to take a look at some of your work thanks to my dad, and I'm pretty interested in your topic too..."

She looked even more charming once she started talking about professional matters; Yue Zhishi didn't quite understand most of the things she talked about.

In the past, Yue Zhishi would get very sleepy whenever he heard things he didn't understand — but today, as he sat there, he was completely unable to fall asleep.

When faced with academic questions, Song Yu wouldn't be as silent as when he was given personal questions. He essentially would answer all of them, and Zhang Siyun was someone who knew very well how to ask questions.

He didn't seem to be awkward anymore after a few rounds of questions. Song Yu no longer spread his resentment towards Professor Zhang into the car, and he became polite yet distanced, conversing with Ms Zhang like professional colleagues.

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