Chapter 31: Suspected Online Relationship

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The red line of entrance examinations was just ahead, and no matter whether it was junior high year three or high school year three, the students spent their days living as virtuously as monks. Because Song Yu was in the building across from him, Yue Zhishi would study in the fifth floor's self study room every night, waiting for Song Yu to finish his night study session before they left for home together.

"You're going to Beijing for training?" His bike twisted as it traveled along, and Yue Zhishi immediately steadied it with his hands. "When?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"So soon?! You're going in two days?"


"Then... how long does the Mathematical Olympiad training camp go for?" Yue Zhishi tried to cover up his dropping mood as much as possible.

"One month." Song Yu finished speaking and opened his mouth again. Yue Zhishi thought he wanted to say something, but there was nothing else even after they arrived home.

The morning all the students going to the camp gathered together in front of the school for the large bus to Beijing, Yue Zhishi was in English class and wasn't able to send Song Yu off. After the class ended, he lay against the window frame and looked out for a very long time, the school entrance completely empty with nothing to see.

The Mathematics Olympiad team chose very few people to take in — Peiya only had two students, and one of them was Song Yu.

Jiang Yufan headed over to him, knocking his shoulder. "Hey, I heard your brother was chosen for the Mathematics Olympiad training team. They all say you're pretty much guaranteed to get into Tsinghua University if you get chosen. Is that true?"

"Don't know." Yue Zhishi wearily replied, remaining on the window frame.

One month isn't too long.

He silently tried to convince himself.

The coach bus was provided by the Bureau of Education, and it started its trip from Peiya, stopping on its way at Jingjian High School where two more people got on the bus. Song Yu was leaning against a window, earphones on and eyes closed in rest, when someone suddenly patted his shoulder. He opened his eyes.


The smile and tiger teeth were super dazzling.

Song Yu took off one of his earphones and lifted his head to meet Xia Zhixu's eyes, crooking the corner of his mouth without saying anything. Xia Zhixu placed his luggage to one side and sat in the empty seat next to him, flinging open his arms and shaking his legs. "I'm so tired. I should've eaten more earlier."

"Who told you to bring so much stuff."

"Who else but my mom."

Sure enough, all mothers in the world were the same.

"I hear the camp's super strict with its rules. Bet we'll be bored as hell." Xia Zhixu looked over at Song Yu and sighed. "Good thing you're here, at least I won't be too lonely this month."

Song Yu's fingers toyed with a wireless earphone. "It's useless even with me here."

Xia Zhixu felt guilty at the implication in his words. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh." Song Yu lifted an eyebrow.

"What are you oh-ing about? You're such a strange guy."

The life of a Mathematics Olympiad trainee was much more difficult compared to high school year three. The quantity of questions and sheer intensity of the training were several times higher than their usual lives. Students improved much faster under high intensity and high pressure, but the consumption of energy was also much higher.

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