58: Can't Keep My Eyes Off Of You

Start from the beginning


Everyone finally found what to order, there were so many new foods it was hard to choose from.

Everyone chatted around the table, the food was amazing. There were things that were oddly amazing and things that were classic dishes that were made ten times better than usual.

Once they finished they all came to be stuffed.

"Ay theres a piano behind us." Tommy pointed out. Y/n put down her glass of water.

"And, your point?" Y/n asked raised and eyebrow.

"What about that song you promised to sing me?" Tommy smirked. Wilbur butted in.

"What song?" He asked, Y/n took another sip of her water.

"He wants me to sing." Y/n said, Tommy nodded happily.

"I didn't know you sang." Niki said sweetly. Tommy nodded.

"I've only ever heard her hum, she promised to sing me a song one day." Tommy pouted. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"You should ask." Phil suggested, Y/n almost spit out her water.

"Are you crazy?" Y/n asked. Dream had caught in to their conversation.

"Y/n can sing?" Sapnap asked. Tommy nodded. George turned his attention to them.


(A/n: *me who loves piano and singing*)

"Go up, I think you'll do great." Ariadne said. Freddie nodded.

"Here I'll go with you." Tommy said. Tubbo winked at Tommy as he got up.

"You'll do great." Ranboo said. Y/n smiled before walking with Tommy.

As they walked up to the receptionist Y/n nervously stood behind Tommy.

"Is the piano ok for use?" Tommy asked. The receptionist looked up at the two teens.

"Depends, we usually wouldn't allow just anyone." They said. Y/n nodded.

"She knows what she's doing I can reassure you." Tommy said oddly. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Well go ahead, but we do have the right to tell you to get off." They said. Y/n nodded politely and followed Tommy to the piano.

Y/n marveled at the Yamaha black grand piano, she only had a baby grand back at home so this was a whole new world for her.

She happily grazed her hand on the sides of it and sat down. She fixed the mic to direct towards both her and the piano.

Y/n was nervous but looked back at Tommy who had his thumbs up, as well as the rest of the table where nudging her to go ahead.

Everyone was staring at her in this moment. She decided to play "Cant Take My Eyes Off Of You" which she remembered she learned a long time ago in a jazz version. She decided it would be a subtle song to start with.

She pressed on the first notes and began to sing. She still remembered the words, but the keys were what she was worried about. Luckily she didn't mess up.

(A/n: my guy it's fucking 3 am I'm not gonna go into detail.)

(F/E/N: no pls do QwQ it's so beautiful- also sussy, it's 11:45 when did you write this we're in the same time zone)

(A/n: started this yesterday then finished it today. It's called procrastinating.)

The restaurant happily enjoyed the song as it lasted, which Y/n was not going to ever do again. She stepped down and slowly walked down from the stage next to Tommy. As she stepped down a clapping started which died down as she sat down.

"Fucking finally." Tommy teased. Everyone else at the table was stunned.

"So you didn't think it would be important to tell us you sing?!" Tubbo asked shocked. Y/n nervously sunk in her seat.

"I know she's so fucking good." Tommy agreed. Y/n blushed, flustered by the sudden comments.

"That was amazing." Phil said. Wilbur nodded still dazed.

The Dream Team was just sitting there, they had no words to say other than wow.

"Seriously though that was amazing." Wilbur said. Freddie and Ariadne were nodding and complimenting Y/n the entire time.

"Are you still sure Tommy isn't paying you to date him?"


(A/n: yes i can)

Sup fuckers, my neighbors dog was just brutally murdered by my other neighbors pit bull. Even worse is that they did it in front of their 12 year ol,d daughter too, and it's not even the first time they've done this.... I- WHAT THE FUCK FIRST THE OLD LADIES SHITZU AND NOW THIS OMFG.

and they don't wanna call animal control, because they don't want them to put the pit bull down. But like 2 FUCKING TIMES ANSJJDJSJ I- that's it ok killing the dog myself.

Much loved to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1365


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now