Beginning of Forgiveness

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    What had happened over in Ninjago while they were absent?!

    "You were not in control of yourself. You have no need to apologize," assured Pixal. "And as far as disbelieving my claim, it is only logical you would not accept such a tall tale. Not while we were all processing our grief."

    Skylor sighed and buried her face in her hands. "And here we are, mourning their deaths all over again."

    Pixal's frame slouched dolefully as she stared down at her palms which sparkled with Ice particles. It wasn't fair. They had finally won the fight but they had lost so many loved ones who they had just gotten back. Her power core told her that this time, there were no survivors. There was no other half pulsing with life.

    When Wu, intrigued by the appearance of her power, ambled over to their table to ask her about it, he was surprised when she immediately pulled her hands closed at the sight of him. She began explaining before he could ask. Wu's heart broke as Pixal implored him not to force her from the role of Samurai X to become the new Ice Ninja. It was not a mantle she could bear. 

    Had he really been the type of Master that Pixal saw fit to beg him not to force her to become a Ninja? He sighed internally, remembering Nya's transition to Water Ninja. In many ways, though it was clear his Ninja had grieved him, they had matured greatly without him, especially Lloyd. They grown into fine young people despite his flawed teachings and the challenges that arose from withheld information. 

    Wu assured the Samurai, "I am lamenting their loss too, Pixal. I would never make you take up a role you do not want." His voice grew softer as he admitted, "I think the age of the Ninja has come to an end. I won't be training up a new team in my lifetime." He motioned to the two women. "Come, let's go home."

    They followed him to the old monastery that, against all odds, was still standing. Though it served as a temporary shelter for the wounded and those too frail to journey back home and there were plenty of beings stirring about the place, it felt empty. It didn't feel like home, but where else could they go?

    Wu pitied the Hunters: Jet Jack, Arkade, Daddy-No-Legs, Muzzle, and Chew Toy. They were all that was left of their people and stranded in an unknown Realm, unaware of what ruins would be left if they returned to the First Realm. They truly had no home. 

    Upon returning to the monastery where they were staying for the time being, he was surprised to find the Hunters sitting comfortably at the side of Ultra Dragon and his kin. Relations had been tense between them up until this point. Apparently, Wu's tiny scheme in assigning the Hunters to tend to the Dragons' wounds had worked in easing the hostility. Either that, or the Dragons and Hunters found some small comfort in the familiarity of the other.

    While Pixal retreated to the isolated safety of her resting quarters, Skylor wandered the monastery grounds. Wu taken the girls to the monastery to rest and took notice of this, catching her at a corner. "There is a saying, 'Not all who wander are lost,' but you look it. It's okay to rest, Skylor."

    The Master of Amber looked down, catching the Sensei off guard with the plainness of her question. "Does your heart ever feel so heavy it wants to burst?"

    "All too often," answered Wu. The thing he missed most of his youthful escapade was the innocence and faith, unburdened by the weight of the wisdom of the world.

    Skylor hugged her scarred arms to herself as she wept. "It doesn't— it doesn't felt like we've won. I want to give up so bad, but there's nothing to give up on anymore. No cause. Just nothing."

    Wu listened patiently as Skylor fell apart, venting and ranting her jumbled thoughts and emotions. Already, she was thinking months in advance to the trial of what remained of the Sons of Garmadon. She knew what it was like to be a traitor granted forgiveness, but she truly didn't know if she could find it in her to forgive them. They didn't understand, didn't become ensnared by the full, crushing weight of the evil they had unleashed.

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