I chuckled at his attempt to get me to send him a pic of my dress. He was bugging me the whole morning with his puppy eyes. Once the boys came to pick him up, I literally threw him out of the house.

After he left, I grabbed my stuff and drove to Aaliyah's house which wasn't that far from the apartment. She asked me if I could come over and help her with her dress. She also wanted to talk to me in private because she has something important to tell me.

I put my phone down and walked up to her from behind because I saw she was struggling to close the sipper from the dress. I closed it and pecked her cheek. "Aww, thank you for the little kiss," she said with a huge smile on her face. We were interrupted by a knock on Aaliyah's door. "Yes?" Aaliyah asked. The door opened up, revealing her little brother Lincoln.

Once he opened the door wider his eyes widened too. "Damn," he said and stared at me. "Isabellaaaa..." he said and while expanding the 'a'.

"What's up?" he leaned onto the door frame with a typical bad boy slash boyish grin and crossed arms over his chest.

"Get out Lincoln," Aaliyah growled.

"No one was talking to your ugly ass," he cursed. My breathing hitched when he said that.

You have to know that when you cuss in front of Aaliyah or cuss her out you will die. Like, die die.

"What did you say, you little fuck?" she said through a clenched jaw. From here I saw how he gulped. "That's my cue to leave. Call me Bella!" he shouted the last part when he ran out of the room.

"Fucker," Aaliyah mumbled and turned back around to the mirror. I quickly texted Axel and finished getting ready. I curled my hair and did my make-up. Once we both were ready we left the house.

"By the way, what did you wanna tell me?" I asked once we got to the car and got in.

"Yeah I forgot," she blurred out. "Ehm, have you noticed that everyone is acting strange lately?" she asked with a worried expression on her face while I started the engine of my car.

I wrinkled my brows and glanced to
At her for a moment and then back to the road. "No, what do you mean?"

"Well, every time I text the girls they don't replay quickly as usual. Or in days. They also sometimes ignore the message and when I asked them about it they said that they forgot to reply to it. At first, I thought it was okay because they might have something going on right now and that they are not comfortable talking about it. But then it started getting frequent and now I'm just worried. I also asked the boys and they said the same thing. Maybe they forgot or something,"

"Jordan is also trying not to make any eye contact with me anymore. You know that he and I sit in French together and that we do our stuff together but he started to just ignore me all of the sudden. Same with Enzo even though he was always the one who seemed closed-off from the rest of us. Esma is literally avoiding me whenever she has the chance to. I also noticed that they are distancing themselves from you but you are too busy with Axel to see what is happening around you," she explained.

"I know it's not my business to ask them and bug them about it but I just am worried. What if something happened and we can't see it and they don't wanna talk about it?" she questioned.

"If it helps I can talk to Axel about it and see if he has an answer," I suggested and she nodded. "That would be great,"

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