//7//: Invited and Univited guests

Start from the beginning

I really love how their relationship is. They've been together for seven good years now. Yes, they fight and argue a lot but they still make the best of couples. They're really cute that sometimes I wish to have someone like saif in my life. He's one of my closest friend, since high school. He's more like a brother to me and I adore him so much for making my best friend happy.


I adjusted my grey tie one last time before taking a good look at myself in the full length mirror. I moseyed downstairs to the dining table where the rest of my family members were consuming their breakfast.

"Good morning." I greeted Abi and Amma while taking a seat beside Harisa, my younger sister.

"Morning Farooq,how was your night?" Amma inquired as she always does. I replied with a simple nod as I usually do.

"Harisa where's my coffee?" I exclaimed, so she could hurry her pace. I was already running late to the office. I despise tardiness. I'm looking forward to sending a dismissal letter to any employee that arrives late for the meeting. I like it when things are done perfectly well that too very sleek.

"Here you go sir." She placed the coffee cup in my front. I didn't waste time as I gulped it down into my system. I can't go a day without taking coffee or I would most likely lose my sanity. Call it obsession or addiction, I really don't care.

I stood up immediately I was through. "I'll be at the office Abi. Amma Goodbye!" I didn't wait for their replies as I made my way to the main door.

"You're welcome for the coffee, ever lovely brother!" Harisa yelled. I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm before strutting out of the house. I just remembered that my two other siblings were in there and I once again failed to acknowledge them. Well, what can I say? They're used to my attitude by now, I'm Farooq Khaleed after all.

Realizing that they were limited number of cars on the road, I switched to the wrong lane in other to speed up my pace. I increased the speed when I realized an old lady trying to cross the road and a speeding Range Rover coming her way. I halted the car as I jerked it backwards to unable to come in direct contact with the car and the woman.

I almost hit the old lady. Whoever was driving the car must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed to have the audacity to even test my impatience.

I waited impatiently for the person to come down of the car. Suddenly, a young girl probably in her teenage years sauntered out of the car.

Perfection was the only word to define what my eyes beheld. She was adorned in an arctic blue long sleeved dress which was embellished with silver embroideries at the neckline and sleeves. She was light skinned but her skin was slightly glossy, Her eyebrows were slender, eyelashes slightly velvety and long, a long pointed nose and shiny pearl white teeth, glossy outer thin saccharine lips. The blazing sun illuminated the beauty of her siren hazel eyes as it shone ever so brightly. What made her beauty even more unique was that there wasn't any trade of makeup on her face!

There she stood in all glory, the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on.

Keeping a straight and hard expression, I walked out of the car to give her a piece of my mind. I can't let it slip, I won't.


"So you're telling me that a young teenage girl trash talked you straight in your face and had no ounce of fear in her?" Malika, one of my few friends inquired.

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