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12TH JULY,2013.

"See you soon,drive safely you know I won't be there to supervise you and anything can-" I cut him off.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine In Shaa Allah." I gave him a reassuring smile. Heaving out a sigh, he hopped into the Land Rover, along him was Mrs Mahir, Ya Aliya and Ya Aliza.

Ya Ashraf and Ya Arif left earlier on.

Bidding my family goodbye as they departed in the car,I stared down at my soaked pajamas which by the way was a handy work of Ya Aliya. I made my way back inside the mansion. Today was my speech and prize giving day which starts by 10:00am. I still can't believe a crazy fifteen year old is driving herself to her graduation. I'm that girl by the way. My family left early because all parent and guest are supposed to be there by 8:00am.

I served myself breakfast in the dining room,which was turkey wrap and roasted duckling with orange juice. Weird right? It's normal in the Mahir's household. I cleaned up,taking my plate to the kitchen and washed my hands. I locked the door to my room,grabbed a towel and sauntered to the bathroom. I took a long hot shower which was very refreshing. I brushed my pearl teeth with raspberry scent toothpaste.

Ambling out of the bathroom,I applied dove deodorants and Saint Ives Shea butter body lotion on my skin. I brushed my long, silky black hair that stopped at my upper spine. After using a hot stretching iron on it,I packed it with a blue ribbon into a neat bun. I laid my edges to perfection because I wanted it to be perfect. Then the dress. The dress is a dark blue off the shoulder but not completely,it was more like a cold shoulder princess dress which I had personally designed myself. Oops! I didn't introduce myself. Where are my manners?

I'm Sabrina Adila Khaleed,well actually it's actually Sabrina Mahir but I'd prefer to use my father's name not his family name. I'm a Northern Nigeria,my father is from Kaduna state and my Mother is from Maiduguri. I'm also an American by birth,I lived in Los Angeles for ten good years. I was technically birthed there. I'm going to be graduating today in Shaa Allah. Most people say I'm stubborn, short tempered,feisty,and some other undeniable things. Do I believe that? Maybe I do and maybe I don't. I'm also a young fashion designer from a family of seven.

Khaleed Mahir, my father is a forty five years old wealthy businessman. The chief executive owner of the Mahir's group of industries. He's from Kaduna but also an American by birth. He, in a way, is one of the wealthiest man in Africa. He's a very busy man, holding meetings all around the world, working his butt off every single blessed day, but he still cares about his family a lot, though he doesn't really show it.

Aisha Mahir, my supposed Mother, is a forty one years old Real Estate Agent. Her mother is half Turkish and half Shua Arab from maiduguri, her father on the other hand was an Arab man from Turkey and a Nigerian by birth from Maiduguri. She rules the Mahir's household like an Empress. Allah forgive me, I don't really love her like a child is supposed to love her mother. But you can't blame me for that, she was never there when i needed her, she was never there to see me grow from the three year old child to the fifteen year old I am today. We fight every single blessed day, she's an expert when it comes to getting beneath my skin and criticism. She's one perfectionist I can't and will never be able to understand.

As for my sister Aliza, I love her so much. She was always there for me, she taught me everything I know today. She helped me distinguish between right and wrong. Although, she failed when it came to stopping my fights with Mrs Mahir. Anyone in her place would, because she's dealing with two short tempered females. She served as both a father and mother to me. I could trade my life for her.

Eliza (Aliza) Mahir, my elder sister, is an eighteen year old student of Nile University studying Psychology. The sweetest soul I know and love. She's the twin to a very opposite her,Ya Aliya.

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