Have his babies

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Have his babies (Lexi/luke, lizzie/?)

Alexis bryan lay in Vanderbulit hostipal her newborn agianst her breast, breast feeding her newborn son. She glanced over at her husband who was still asleep in the chair. Her heart was filled with so much happniess and joy. Ever since she was 17, she had wanted one thing have luke Bryan's babies. She had fell in love with him at 15 and at 18 had married him. But several years of infertiley had put thier dreams of being parents on hold. But now they had finally came ture with bo.

3 months later lexi was back at vandy but this time with her best friend lizzie who had just delevered a baby girl.

"She's beatfuil Liz." Lexi said admiring the baby.

"She's the best thing I've ever done, no matter the circurmances." Lizzie said her mind flashing back to 9 months before when she had been raped in a ally way by her apartment. A noise by the door drew both girls attention. Luke and his best friend jason aldean stood in the doorway.

"Bo-bo came to meet his girlfriend." Luke said sitting the baby carrier in his hand on the chair. Jason sit in the chair next to Lizzie's bed instantly taking her hand in his. Lexi smiled at them, ever since jason had drivoced him and lizzie had been walking a fine line between friends and lovers. But with the way jason was looking at the baby lexi had a feeling things were about to change. That night lexi and luke had left leaving jason and lizzie along with the new baby.

"So what's the princesses name?" Jason asked looking down at the baby who was still fast asleep.

"Jayden Alexis." Lizzie said softly.

"Jayden Alexis whitlow. It's a good name." He said.

"Williams, Jayden Alexis williams. " she said locking eyes with him, he leaned in and kissed her.

"I love you." He whispered the words that had been hanging between them for a while.

"And I you." She said kissing him agian.

A month later jason was about to get on the lift that would take him to his stage in Tulsa. When his phone dinged he pulled up the text from lizzie to see a picture of her and Jayden. Both wearing his tour shirts.
The text read we love you daddy! Go kick some ass!

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