Be naked and fall asleep together

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Be naked/ Fall asleep naked after sex (lexi/luke)

Lexi Wilson lay in her bed admiring the sight beside her. Luke Bryan was compteley naked in her bed, his arms curled around her. She smiled as he started to wake up a soft smile across his face.

"Good morning baby." He said running his hand down her side and into her curls. She leaned into him closer kissing him. She then moved so she was on top of him sliding onto his erection. She moved up and down has he gripped her hips.

"I love you so much." He said sliding his hand to her clit causing her to move faster. He then slid his other hand to her breasts and twisted one of her nipples causing her to moan in pain and pleaurse. In return she leaned down and took one of his nipples in her mouth biting it gentley before she let it go and moved back to his mouth. Soon enough they both climaxed lexi laid on his chest for a mintue before she got up and walked to the bathroom coming back with a wash cloth. She took the cloth and wiped away the cum from his balls and dick before he took the towel and  doing the same to her wiping the cum from her vaginia. He then tossed it to the floor and pulled her onto his chest.

"I love you luke, always and forever." She said before she drifted off to sleep not Caring they were both still naked. All she knew is she loved the man beneath her and nothing was changing that.

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