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Yejin's POV:

It has been seven months after the wedding and I already gave birth to two beautiful twins. Yes! They are girls who looked exactly like their daddy and the only feature that they inherited from me are their eyes, not that I am complaining though my husband had the loveliest genes ever! These beautiful babies had already wrapped their daddy in their cute little fingers as soon as they were born.

Bin had been a super hands-on, dotting dad to his princesses and husband to me. He helped me in everything from changing diapers, bathing them to cleaning my nipples before and after our princesses had their milk. He hired his old house help from his parents' mansion that goes every morning and went home just before the sun sets so someone can help me do the laundry, cleaning the house, cooking and giving an extra hand in taking care of the twins whenever Bin is out for work or filming. Our ahjumma even stayed with us whenever Bin is out of town.

As for his career, it has been a roller coaster ride for us. The wedding and pregnancy announcement surprised everyone though Bin's agency had been giving hints here and there two weeks prior to the wedding. It became a hot topic for several weeks in showbiz entertainment news and other media platforms. Some received it well but some don't. His beloved and ever loyal fans were happy hearing about it. Some even send out gifts to our little ones after knowing their gender and some wished us good luck and happiness on our married life. While the possessive, toxic fans threw hate on him especially on me and our unborn babies. Hateful words were spread throughout social media sites like accusing me of seducing him while rendering my services as his private physical therapist and some are totally hitting us especially me, below the belt. I've been called whore, slut, gold digger, any hurtful name calling you know, drop it and they had already gave that to me. Bin is convincing me to sue these people as it was already categorized as cyber crime and cyber libel but I did not allow it, telling him that it was their opinion and we can not please everyone. I just told him to just ignore and say nothing about it and let the issue die on its own. But as a protective husband and a father as he is, he always make sure that the issue will not stress me out and added more security details at the perimeter of our house whenever he is out working or filming because there was a time, a week after the news broke out, an intruder went into our home and threatened us. Good thing that Bin and two of his bodyguards are there with us that time and the crazed fan was intercepted and brought to the police. That's the time Bin decided on his own to push through the case against these kind of people.

His movie has been released a couple of weeks ago and it was well received by the audience. He has been offered projects here and there including CFs, movies, tv dramas, etc. He even claimed that we are his lucky charms.

As for my career, I've decided to stop working for a while as I need to focus on my children and I wanted to be there for them on their developing and growing-up years. It's not easy for me to put aside my career but my family is now my top priority. It can wait but my family can't.

"Hey, mommy...." Bin kissed the top of my head as he snapped me out of my reverie while staring blankly on my sleeping babies beside me. "You're spacing out again. Is there something wrong?" He asked quietly.

"Hi daddy, you're early today? Oh, none. I'm just thinking about random things."

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly.

"Yup." I leaned to press my lips into him making sure his worries will be wiped away.

"Alright." Then he kissed me back. "How are my princesses today? And of course, you my queen."

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