Chapter 3

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Bin's POV

I'm stunned when she smiled at us. Her eyes were like a pair of cresent moon and her face lit up. I was not aware that my Hyung was eyeing on me while I looked at her and then he elbowed my side after she excused herself.

"Aww! Hyung!" I said while rubbing my side.

"She's your type huh?" He chuckled.

"Aniya!" I said

"Bin, don't fool me. You were almost drooling awhile ago! And your eyes were glued at her!" As he continued teasing me.

"She's beautiful..." I said almost talking to myself.

"Yeah! And quite smart too!" My hyung added.

"Really?!" I looked at him.

"Yup! She's a consistent Dean's Lister, Top 1 as I may say and also a candidate for cum laude of her batch." My hyung added proudly.

My eyes got bigger and I can only say wow! "Does she have a namjachinggu?" I simply asked him.

"I don't know!.... Yah! Don't you dare messed with her! I know your style Mr. Kim!" He uttered.

"I was just asking! And besides I am only staying here for a week!" I retorted. But deep inside me, I was hoping that she doesn't have and wished that I can stay a little longer so that I'll be able to get to know her better.

When we were about to leave the school premises, I saw her and another girl which I assume is her friend, walking towards the exit gate while chatting and laughing. She looked like a ball of sunshine... and I was mesmerized.

I was following her with my eyes until I lost her from my line of sight after they crossed the other side of the street and our car went on the opposite direction. I suddenly jolted when my phone rang. It was my RM, Kyung.

"Ye, Kyungssi?"

"Hyung!...I already received your enlistment schedule."

"When would that be?"

"It will be 5 months from now. You're qualified for the Marines Corp."

"I see. Umm... anyway, do I have any commitments prior to that?"

"Yes. You'll be having a full schedule until then. Waeyo?"

"Ah nothing... I thought I can still squeezed in a week or two prior to that so I can still have time to visit my hyung here again before I went in."

"I'm sorry hyung but I guess we can't do that" he said apologetically.

"It's alright. Anyway, do you have anything else aside from that? And what time are we leaving tomorrow?"

"Oh, that's all. I'll pick you up at 9AM ok? We can't afford to miss the flight going to the filming site."

"Alright! I see you then. Thanks." Then I ended up the call.

"Hey! Who is it?" Hyung asked.

"My RM, Kyung. He just informed me that he already received the enlistment schedule and it will be 5 months from now."

"Oh! Really? Under what division?"


"Wow! I'm sure you can excel in there! Congrats!"

"Hope I can survive there!" I said in jest.

"Yes you can!" As he gave a side glance and tapped my arm. "Anyway, did Joon-youngssi know about your enlistment?"



"She doesn't need to know... we're no longer together and I assume she's already dating a new one..."

Hyung raised his eyebrows but no longer got surprised on what I said since he is pretty well aware that my relationship with her was already on the rocks since last year.

Yejin's POV

"Bes, he's so handsommmeee!" Hannah squealed.

"Tch! Stop it!" I giggled.

"Tell me, how does his hands felt?"

"Oh... his flexor digitorum profundis, flexor pollicis longus as well as the extensor digitorum communis, I can grade it 5 based on the strength of his grip but I wasn't able to measure the degree of ROM on other joints and muscles involved in his arm movement since I don't have my goniometer with me but I believed they are all in full ROM." I answered jokingly.

"Yah! I was just asking if it was smooth or rough! I'm not asking for the musculo-skeletals and the whole initial evaluation!" Hannah pinched my sides.

"Hahahahahhaha! I was just kidding! Hmmm... well... it's smooth actually... his skin generally, for a man like him."

"Really! So, you've already done with physical assessment huh! Hahahahah! But wait... is he? Oh no!"

"I know what you are thinking but my answer is no. I think he's not... maybe its in their genes..."

"Hmmm... well I guess you're right. Prof. Kim also had smooth skin. I wished I had those too..." as she touched her face. She then took her phone inside her pocket when she heard the notification bell.

"Oooo....emmmm...geee!!!" Hannah suddenly shrieked that make me jumped a little. Her eyes widen while scrolling down on her phone.

"Why? What's wrong???" I uttered bewildered.

"Hyun Bin is here in the Philippines for a commercial shoot?!" And she jumped up and down like a pre-schooler.

"Oh gosh! I thought someone just gave birth! Errrr...Who's that?" As I am oblivious.

"Aissh! Are you a real Korean or what? You don't know who's Hyun Bin??? The Korean Adonis!"

I shook my head "No... you already know that K.Ent. is not one in my book. Sorry, I really don't have an idea who this Hyun Bin is." as I felt abashed.

"Seriously? You're really one heck of a nerdy girl!" She said in disbelief as she snickered. "You're practically married to your books and classical music! What are you doing in your life?" She added as she continued scrolling down the article on her phone. "Oh boy!" Hannah suddenly halted her strides again.

"Waeyo?" I asked in Korean. Hannah can understand basic Korean language since I taught her and she did likewise taught me how to speak Tagalog.

"What was his name again?"


"Prof. Kim's namdongsaeng!"

"Bin... waeyo?"

"As in Bin only no second name?"

"I don't know. He was just introduced to me as Bin so I assume his name is Kim Bin." I shrugged.

"Oh my.... I think...OMG! I think...he's Hyun Bin!" Her eyes widen a she also covered her mouth.

"Aigoo..." I said incredolously. "Do you think he will dare to go here alone without a single bodyguard around him huh?"

"Hmmm... well, you're right! But he really do looked like him!"

"Maybe he's this Hyun Bin doppelgänger... you know, Koreans have many look-a-likes since we have common features."

"True..." she said half heartedly. " Well anyway, I just hope that he will hold a fan meet or do a tv guesting before he went back to Korea so we can both see him. And hopefully HE may got you drawn in all these KPop, Hallyu thingy."

"Aissh! No! It will NEVER happen!" I slapped her shoulder lightly.

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