Chapter 38

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Yejin's POV:

"Congratulations mommy and daddy! Say hi to your identical twins!" Dr. Lee said.

The black and white image and sound of their tiny hearts, beats like galloping horses from the ultrasound machine that makes my heart swell and my eyes welled up in extreme happiness. Bin, clutched my hand tightly as he also went speechless and got teary eyed when he saw and heard those and peppered my face with kisses.

"Oh my God! Our babies!" I uttered.

"Thank you babe.... thank you...." Bin said as he kissed the dorsum of my hand that he is holding.

"The babies are already on their 10th week and  5th day, almost at their 11th week. Their fetal measurements as well as their heart rates are well within normal limits. Later, I'll prescribe you folic acid, vitamins and other supplements that can help your body nourish your babies." Doctor Lee said as she carefully pulled out the transducer head from me and the nurse assisted me in lowering my legs from the stirrups.

"Is there any limitations on her activities now? How about her work?" Bin asked while helping me to pull my panties up while lying down.

"Well, she can continue her daily activities but with more extra precautions since she's carrying twins. Lifting heavy objects and doing strenuous activities are a no-no. Since she is a PT and part of her job is lifting and assisting patients on weight bearing, she may need an assistant to do that for her if she's at work. Prolonged standing is also not allowed so you may need to sit as much as possible." She said as she faced me.

"How about.... you know..." Bin asked tentatively while scratching the back of his ear.

"Sex?... yes, you still can but do not do extreme ones, you know what I mean." Doctor Lee smirked.

Both our faces flushed and Doctor Lee chuckled. "Hey! Don't get flustered. It's a normal question." Then she gently tapped Bin's shoulder. "Just be gentle to her, okay?" She chortled. "Anyway, other than that and what I'll prescribed to her, make sure she eats well and well hydrated. And Mrs. Kim, if you noticed something unusual just call me or visit the ED anytime, arraseo? We'll see each other again on your next pre-natal check-up and that will be on her 12th week." As she handed me the print out of our babies' first sonogram.

"You may call me Yejin, Doctor Lee." And smiled to her. "Is there a possibility that I can go home tonight?" I asked.

"Sorry Yejinssi, but you still need to stay here until tomorrow morning. You're dehydrated when they rushed you here." She replied apologetically then I nodded. "The nurse will hand you the prescription later as well as your prenatal book. Congratulations again." She smiled and shook our hands then stood up from her seat and bid her goodbye to us.

None of us talked right after the doctor left with the lab technician and the nurse. There's silence but it's because we were still trying to absorb that we are having not just one but two babies and we're both definitely on cloud 9.

"Babe....." Bin broke the silence after quite sometime.


"My wish for having twins with you was granted....." he smiled bashfully. "Thank you.... I know words are not enough to thank you for these lovely and precious gift..." then he kissed my forehead.

"You really wished for that?" I quietly asked.

"Yes babe... I never thought it will be granted. I didn't even know what I did to deserve all of these from you. I promise, I will be a good husband, good father and good provider for our family."

"Babe, you know why? It's because you're a good person and a loving one indeed." I gently caressed his face. "And I'm lucky... rather, we're lucky to have you."

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