Chapter 8

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Yejin's POV

"Gurl! Have you seen the showbiz news last night?" Hannah walked beside me, shoulders slumped, when I saw her at the school entrance.

"Why? What's with the pout?" Before I answered her question. "Nope! I went to bed early after the video chat with my parents." I uttered my little white lie to her but I really wasn't able to do so since I dozed off while waiting for it at the late night news.

"Hyun Bin denied that he has a brother here moreso a professor and assistant dean teaching in our beloved alma mater!"

"I told you so! Finally, Prof. Kim will have a peace and no more crazed student fans camping infront of his office!"

"What if he just denied it for Prof. Kim's sake?"

"Aissh! If he really is him, why would he deny it? Isn't he proud of his hyung?"

"Sabagay..." she sighed. "Well anyway, what was Bin's business again?" Smiling naughtily. "Show... business?"

"Ay naku! Stop it na okay? Well, honestly I don't have an exact idea. He said he was venturing into something which I don't want to pry further either. He just told me that he's starting up something and looking for some potential investors... maybe that's the reason why he's here."

"Umm... okay... but I still believed that its show-business" Hannah winked at me.

"Aissh!" I scoffed "Come on! Hurry up we're late!" As I pulled her arm towards the direction of our building.

After classes, I ask Hannah to come with me at the mall but she declined and told me that she's having a movie date with her boyfriend EJ.

"I'll see you tomorrow then! Ingats!" Hannah waved at me then walked to the school's parking lot where EJ has been waiting and I blew her a kiss. I hailed a jeepney to get to the mall and start hunting down a small token for Bin.

Bin's POV

"Hyung! Have you read this?" Kyung scrolling down on his tablet.

"Hmm... what is it?" He handed the tablet down to me.

"Joon-youngssi...someone saw her being cozy with her male co-star in a restaurant."

"Ahhh... okay." I said tiredly.

"How do you want us to address it? Just in case you know, press asked for your side of the story."

"Let her do it first like the usual and we'll respond later. Are there any pictures?"


"She'll probably... no, she will absolutely deny it."

"What are you planning to do then?"

"Nothing. Technically, we've broken up a few months already and we have nothing to do with each other. We're just together for the sake of we just need to be together."

"Geez! My suspicions are right then! Okay, let's just wait for her statement."

"What suspicions?"

"That the two of you were no longer a couple! Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Its just that I only respected her request that's all."

"Request?! She's really unbelievable!" He asked incredulously, face palming. "You really are a true gentleman hyung. But isn't it unfair to you?"

"Yes it is but I'm already tired arguing with everything and anything with her so talking to her became useless and just a waste of my precious time and breath. I just let her do whatever she wants." As I said exasperatedly.

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