"Hey, Y/n?" Heather calls on me, I nod my head not tearing my eyes away from the page as I'm rather quite in the zone. "Hey. Hey, look at me." Heather instructs me to do, my head turns to her slowly but then back to the page as I finish writing the sentence that I'm on; I look up at her and see her videoing me, I scoff. 

"Bully." I insult jokingly as I look back down at my journal while continuing to write, I finish and place it on my ear as I read over it making sure that it makes sense as I grab a pencil and scribble out unnecessary words or words that didn't need to be there, I glance at Heather as she was still filming me, I sigh. "Do you need anything?" I ask her and she nods her head. "What's up?" I ask her sitting up closing my journal over. She stops and sets her phone down moving over to me, she grins mischievously. I groan and stare her down knowing that whatever she wants isn't good. "Yes?" I ask her.

"Can I read what you wrote?" Heather asks me as she looks down at my journal then at me, I shake my head. "What? Why?" She asks in protest.

"Can I read yours?" I ask her, she gasps.

"Ah!" She says as if she's in pain, "No. Never." Heather says moving back and holding her journal as if it was her baby, I snicker pointing at her.

"That's why you can't read mines." 

"But I want too." Heather whines out as she sighs staring at my journal. I shake my head and click my fingers gaining her attention.

"You're not reading it, ok? End off." I tell her to which she sighs at putting her journal out, I look at the journal then her and see how uncomfortable she looks with this idea. I sigh and lean up from the book, I place a soft kiss on her cheeks then forehead, she smiles and I grab my journal placing it in her lap, I move her journal away from me.

"What? Do you not want to read it?" Heather questions as she no longer sits on her knees and moves to crossing her legs. I shake my head,

"Not if you don't want me too." I tell her, she gives me a wide smile before she opens my journal and starts reading all my idea for stories, my thoughts, a few diary entries, but mostly story ideas and thoughts. I watch Heather's eyes light up at each story idea and her eyes grow darker and intrigument flood her eyes whenever she sees a thought and here and there I'd see her shake her head while wiping her eyes and staring at the page intently which would always make me smile, after a few minutes, she crawls over to me leaning into me while she continues to read, I place my arm around her as I trace random things on her arm. 'I always trace random things on Heather's arm whenever I get nervous since I've never showed anyone my diary before, what if she doesn't like what I write?' I think to myself. As much as I love writing, if it did come down to the choice of Heather or writing, she will forever be my first choice, she's my inspiration for everything.


Every single love-story idea, I look at her and immediately think of something, I write it down. I'm around her and I'm at my happiest, I think of an idea, I write it down. She gives me my inspiration and I don't need to always write stuff down as I feel like I just need to look at her and I'll know what to write. She makes things a lot easier for me, and I can't ask for someone better than her. 

Heather's POV's:

'Her ideas... her mind... what the hell? Why can't I think of shit like this?!' I think to myself as I read the last line of everything and turn to her looking at her shocked, she stares me down and I can see the panic behind her eyes, I pepper her with kisses causing her to laugh nervously as I pull away.

"You are amazing... you are honestly incredible, why haven't you showed me this before?" I ask her in disbelief as the way her mind worked is just... perfect. She snickers and shrugs lightly,

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