Inspired by Scars to Your Beautiful (Marinette Agreste AU Part 1)

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AN: Yep you read that right we are doing a Marinette Agreste AU. This set of stories (Properly between two or three) will deal with body issues, eating disorders, and parental mental abuse.  No Miraculous here, but the here names are screen names. 

There were two things in this world that Marinette knew she could count on. The first was that she would likely never know her mother, his father told her she was left on his doorstep and after proving she was his thanks to a paternity test she was given his last name and kept the only thing her mother had given her, her name Marinette. Well, that and her blue hair, French-Asian look and likely her short stature. Nathalie had been the closest thing to a mother she'd ever known. Nathalie wasn't exactly warm but she wasn't nearly as cold as her father.

The second thing Marinette Agreste could count on it was the fact she spent most of the day hungry. And not because she and her father were poor, quite the opposite really, her father was Gabriel Agreste the founder of the Agreste Brand, so they were very rich.  But ever since she was 11, her father started watching her weight as she was to be his key model. Now Marinette had known her father was a cold harsh man, he ran his home-like business when Marinette wanted to do something it required a proposal. However by the time she turned 15, it became clear that she was never gonna get taller than 5' 5" her model coach encouraged her father to the model dream, his dream that was. Mari had been hopeful that this would change things for her, maybe her father would finally let her focus on what she really wanted to do, design. and well he had but not in the way she wanted. She was now in drawing classes with a private teacher so she could improve, her father wouldn't even look at her designs or the clothes she made herself. He hardly noticed that she only wore her own designs now. 

He also instead she take dance classes to give her some much-needed grace and would keep her in shape. Because he still wanted her to model one outfit each season, and walk in each show, so she needed to stay in model shape. So while she never went to bed hungry she never did really feel full. 

She had one secret from her father, thanks to Instagram and her drawing teacher Wang Fu she had her own fashion brand called Miraculous Mouse (A nickname Wang's wife had given her). Sadly she only had two models, her only two friends. Chloe Bourgeois and Kagami Tsurugi, both girls had grown up with her, Chloe's father was the mayor and her mother was an old fashion friend of her father. Chloe wore a yellow and black mask went by the name Queen Bee, Kagami wore a red and black mask and went by the name Ryuko. On the rare moments where Marinette wore her own clothes as a model, she wore a polka-dotted pink and grey mask, going by Lady Mouse. 

Her secret brand was just one of the reasons she desperately wanted to go to public school. She was so lonely, models were snarky and not kind, none of them were really friends no matter what the press said. So with Kagami and Chloe's help, she convinced her father to let her go to high school and at 15 she was going to school for the first time. 

There was one other reason, her dance partner, Luka went to Chloe and Kagami's school. And while she barely got to talk to him she knew he always wanted to. She remembered one time after dance class when her bodyguard was running late, Luka chose to wait outside with her. Just before he'd joined her own a bench a little girl had asked for her autograph. She had sighed the girl's notebook and the girl in joy ran off leaving behind the magazine she had no doubt used to identify Marinette. She stared at her face on the cover. Luka gently pulled the magazine from her hand. "You know" he started, "I've never recognized the girl on the cover as my dance party, Melody." He used the nickname he'd given her when they first met. 

"She's the one who's beautiful, the attention she praises, she's an image sculpted by the sculptor. Whereas I am who craves no limits, wants to go unnoticed." Marinette quickly whipped a tear from her eye and looked away pulling herself together. 

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