The Ending to the Back to December Story

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Ya, this one isn't gonna have a song, I doubt anyway. But people want to know what happens next so here we go the first (and probably last) songless songfic! :) 

The second they went to the movie they changed everything. That night she had a meeting with Chat. "My Lady! To what do I owe this pleasure?" 

"We need to have a chat." She sat down and Chat looked at her a little scared. "So I have a boyfriend now who I love a lot. And I realized how hard it is to date with all the secrets. So I have a suggestion." 

"Way to drop a bomb and me my lady how long have you been dating?" He leaned in sharing a sad smile. 

"We've been dancing around it for a while but we finally when on a real date and I love it." she looked away and smiled.

"You really love him don't you?" She nodded. "You look so relaxed My Lady, I can't be made a little jealous but I love you enough to not stand in your way. And if I'm honest I've been seeing someone too, and ya this is hard." 

She took his hand, "That's so mature of you Chat." She was kinda surprised, she expected him to fight more, but she did remember at this point Adrien was in a rough spot so maybe she'd pick the right time. "Do you think your girl would want to be a hero?" 

He paused, "Yes, she would be very good at it. She would be perfectly suited for the Dragon." 

"Would she be a good confident for you?" She squeezed his hand. 

"Oh yes. She can keep a secret with the best of them." He smiled. 

"What if dating doesn't go well? Like if you fall apart, would your secret be safe?" She needed to know how much Adrien trusted who she believed to be Kagami.

"Oh yes, she values honour in the highest regard, and to be honest my lady the only reason I was hesitating with her, was you. I don't think I'd leave her, at least no while Hawkmoth is at large, maybe if our paths took us in opposite directions. But our parents would love us to be together. 

"Good then here you go." Using her Yo-yo she pulled out the dragon's miraculous. "Give it to her, and show her who you are, keep it a secret you two will hold you're secret and he and I will hold our secret. If she is a former miraculous holder tell her to change her look so I won't be able to identify her, I'll have my partner do the same, so you can't figure it out." She gave him a teasing smile. 

"Can I still call you My Lady and Bugaboo?" He teased her back. 

"Only if she's okay with it, though I like My Lady better than Bugaboo." She giggled. 

He smiled at her, "Then I'll only ask about My Lady then." 


Luka and Marinette found that being public about their relationship stopped a lot of the earlier Akuma didn't happen. There was not Truth or Lies or Gang of Secrets. Alya never learned the truth. Nino never lost it on Cat Noir. When Hawkmoth trapped them at the fashion show Luka and Kagami were already there and able to help. Marinette was able to help Chole when the film thing broke out. She helped Zoe feel welcome without displacing Chole. She never handed her the bee miraculous again, but she gets to hold the Fox miraculous from time to time because Ladybug didn't give any of the old holders their miraculous back, she was just worried about something going really wrong. 

 And when Grand Master Su-Han came knocking on her door, he seemed to know and understand what she did. He also taught her a magic spell to revoke a miraculous holder right to hold a certain miraculous. He had learned it after they had defeated hawkmoth. Luka and been with her when he had told her this information, "Wait, so we could expose Hawkmoth without the risk of Adrien being akumatized?"

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